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The 10 Best Coffee Alternatives | CAFFEINEcontrol

21 de Abril de 2022, 14:12 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Cutting back on caffeine, coffee, or energy drinks can be hard. Not because we lack willpower, but because caffeine does not want you to give it up.


Caffeine addiction comes with caffeine withdrawal. That’s two weeks (or more) of headaches, fatigue, feeling irritable, anxious, or even having flu-like symptoms while your body adjusts to a new caffeine level.


Coffee Alternatives: The Alternatives To Coffee That Can Make A Real Difference

So what do you do if you want to cut back on caffeine? The best thing to do is cut back slowly and consistently. You can actually fool your body into never triggering caffeine withdrawal if you do that. Sounds easy right? It’s not.


Here are the top 10 best coffee alternatives that people fall back on when they try to change their relationship with caffeine:


10. Watered Down Coffee

9. Decaf

8. Tea

7. Caffeine Pills

6. B Vitamins

5. Peppermint Tea

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

3. Chicory Root "Coffee"

2. Water

1. CAFFEINEcontrol


Developed specifically to help you cut back on caffeine without triggering caffeine withdrawal it provides results faster than coffee, energy drinks or even caffeine pills for a sweet boost of energy. Giving you a microdose of caffeine that is just enough so you won’t trigger caffeine withdrawal, it lets you quickly and consistently cut back on caffeine the quick and easy way with consistent results you can feel good about.

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