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wander with wellness Inhale

8 de Abril de 2022, 16:10 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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After a mental health breakthrough in 2016, I quit my job and moved to Thailand to teach English. My experience abroad changed me for good and I decided to never go back to the 7-5 grind.

Explore about self healing journey -I now live a very intentional life that is more aligned with what my energy can handle. I spent 3+ years abroad living in SE Asia and housesitting in Europe. I was in Canada when the pandemic hit. My partner, Tom, and I tried to stay, but ultimately we had to come back to the states. We chose Oregon!

Choosing a lifestyle and career centered around health and wellness is my ultimate dream come true. I offer wellness and healing to clients all over the world. Through my blog, digital courses, guided meditations, and online yoga classes and workshops, I'm making ancient healing modalities accessible and affordable for my inclusive community of brave and kind beings.

In my teachings, I honor the lineage of yoga and maintain deep reverence for tradition and ancient roots of the practice. I acknowledge my place as a western white woman sharing the traditions of yoga, reiki, and culture through my unique lens. Being a small thread within a larger tapestry, I am here to echo the teachings of those that have come before me with the utmost respect and pure intentions.

More than anything else, traveling and experiencing other cultures firsthand taught me a lot about being open-minded and compassionate toward others. I travel with curiosity and humility and what I uncover in my writing reflects what I've learned along my path.

I am always learning and I cherish connections, so don't be shy. Reach out to me!

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    jacson alis

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