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Youth Sports Quarters Program

17 de Fevereiro de 2022, 2:27 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In 2025, the American Women Quarters program will end its 4-year series honoring 20 outstanding women and their incredible achievements. You can visit the American Women Quarters blog by clicking the hyperlink.

In 2026, the United States Mint will introduce a new quarter dollar representing the 250th Anniversary of America. We may see both an Obverse and Reverse design.

In 2027, the Mint will start its Youth Sports Quarters program. This new series is proposed to run for four years, 2027 through 2030. The Youth Sports Quarter program will celebrate sports loved and played by children.

There aren’t any new quarter dollar series planned past 2030 made public.

Some potential Youth Sports Quarter designs may include T-ball, Softball or Baseball, Hockey, Football, Soccer, Running, Gymnastics, Volleyball, Swimming, Tennis, Martial Arts, Dancing, jumping, jumping, Rope, Rollerblading, or Ice Skating.

Sport and other kids’ physical activities will help your child start on the path to lifelong fitness. “You can help your youth find the right children’s sport or activity for him or her by considering age, maturity, and abilities,” explains Bert Hodous, M.D., a family physician with Mayo Clinic Health System.

Dr. Hodous has to say about youth sports:

Youths between the ages of 2 to 5

The majority of organized sports are not appropriate for toddlers and preschoolers. Instead, they should play unstructured free time. For example, they should run, throw, catch, or swim.

Youths between the ages of 6 to 9

A child’s vision, attention span, and ability to throw for distance all improve as they grow up. They also become more adept at following directions. You can ensure that your child enjoys organized sports, including t-ball, soccer, gymnastics, tennis, and martial arts.

Youths between the ages of 10 to 12

By this age, children are usually ready for sports that require complex skills, such as basketball, soccer, hockey, and volleyball. However, some children may experience temporary difficulties with coordination and balance during growth spurts. Make sure your child learns proper technique and movement in whatever sport they choose.

Your child’s age, maturity, and size may influence whether you should allow him to participate in a contact sport. In addition, certain sports and activities are more likely to appeal to a child. Therefore, the following factors should be considered when comparing sports:

Which sport do you think your child will enjoy?
Does the sport provide skills development at the appropriate age level?
Does every child have the chance to participate?
“Also, avoid encouraging specialty in a single sport,” advises Doctor Hodous. “Emphasizing one sport could prevent your child from testing their skills and encountering other entertaining activities. Sports specialization also can lead to burnout or stress.”

If your child is not interested in organized sports, you shouldn’t force them. Cycling, hiking, jumping rope, and playing tag with friends are all ways children can be physically active. Ultimately, you want to teach them the importance of lifelong fitness.

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