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Zone School of Healing | Chiropractic & Healing Technique

6 de Maio de 2022, 16:53 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The Zone School of Healing teaches the Zone Technique, a healing method created by Dr. Peter Goldman. It is based on many of his influences and experiences. One of his major influences were the teachings of Dr. Thurman Fleet who created Zone Therapy in 1931 in San Antonio, Texas. After learning Zone Therapy in 1993 and refining it over the next two decades, Dr. Peter Goldman created The Zone Technique.

Zone School of Healing Dr. Pete
Zone School will change your practice and your life

Learn new chiropractic techniques, the most effective way to know the body to help heal the body
Get better healing results than ever before – with musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal issues
Be a member of a school that teaches you the principles of healing at the highest level available
Zone School is open to chiropractors, chiropractic school students, and also to any doctor or healer – including acupuncturists, osteopaths, naturopaths, etc.

The founder of Zone School has had patients flying in to see him from over 25 countries and cities around the world for over 20 years for unparalleled healing results

We have Zone School chiropractic members who are already trained in Gonstead, CBP, Network, Thompson, Upper Cervical, Motion Palpation, AK, Chiropractic Neurology, SOT, Functional Medicine, etc, etc. These doctors are now blown away by what they are learning and are getting results on a whole new level.

Studying the knowledge in Zone School can also make you much healthier

Be happy, motivated, and enthused to go to work

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    jacson alis

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