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Should I Send My Resume as a PDF or Word Document?

18 de Março de 2021, 2:31 , por Bary Yandex - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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‘I AM THE PERFECT CADIDATE!’ or ‘HIRE ME!,’ this is the voice of a candidate or person who are looking for job and as they don’t have the access to say these out loud to the recruiter or employer, they exploit Resume, the best and effective medium to communicate with employer and indirectly asking them to either call you or hire you. Of course, you don’t write these on your resume, your qualification represents you in front of the employer.

Universally, job candidates use Microsoft word in order to create their resume though this is considered as the best practice; otherwise, if you do it on the other tools it may become difficult to you. But always give your preference the topmost priority. After making you’re the most awaited resume, you instantly fall into a dilemma whether you should convert your resume to PDF or just mail it as it is (doc file). In case, if you don’t know, PDF file format offer a diversified features its users. In addition to its features, it also has several advantages:

  • Keep Resume Format Intact

PDF file is one of the most renowned and popular file format nowadays because it only protects your data from becoming distorted but also keep your resume format intact like the way it meant to be. A PDF is basically a one-size-fits-all file that looks like same no matter the device you’ve used to download it. Unlike a Microsoft word file that changes if it is not opened with the same version that was used to make it, PDF always keep your data or information as it is. For instance, you are going to share your best graphics design with your employer so that they have a better impression about you at the first sight. If you don’t convert your doc file to PDF, the design that you wanted to share may become distorted if the doc file is not opened with the same version. Taking this issue into consideration, you want to convert your file to PDF before sending your resume to the employer.

  • Widely Accepted

Perhaps you are aware of the fact that PDF formatted files are now widely accepted across the world because of its features and dynamic functionalities. Hence, your employer would probably expect you to send them the PDF formatted resume when you are applying for a post. That not only show your dedication toward the formalities but also your sense of knowledge of being a professional. In addition, as it is mentioned earlier that sending a PDF is a better idea, experts also suggest that you create your resume using Microsoft word and convert it immediately and keep it in your phone. As a result, the file format will remain the same even if you open that file on your smartphone. This will help you to send your resume to your employers using your phone if your resume is converted to PDF.

Want to convert PDF to Word? Please check

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    Bary Yandex

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