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An intercontinental partnership between CECI, RENAPESS, ORFED and Quartier du Monde

17 de Fevereiro de 2017, 8:04 , por RIPESS - Réseau intercontinental de promotion de l'économie sociale et solidaireSSE News – RIPESS – Réseau intercontinental de promotion de l'économie sociale et solidaire - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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At a first meeting, on 19 January 2017, CECI, RENAPESS, ORFED and Quartier du Monde shared their actions, programs and agendas with the aim of identifying the complementarities of each other, Future collaborations. By capitalizing on the respective strengths and advancing the ESS from a gender perspective, they will jointly reflect on a common program... Read more »

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