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An Explanation of Solicitation of Prostitution

13 de Abril de 2022, 4:04 , por [email protected] - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In all honesty, I think the greatest quantity of opposition to prostitution that comes today is simply an animosity against the sex act in general. Those same individuals who oppose prostitution probably support the law of statutory rape. They believed that when a consenting 18 year old had sex with a consenting 17 year old, that it was a tragic act, that it permanently scarred the 17 year old and that the center of the 18 year old was stone cold.

The same people who oppose legalizing prostitution also oppose distribution of contraceptive devices, arguing that "if sex is safe, then more sex will soon be committed." These folks would prefer to that disease infest and destroy the bodies of young adults than allow them to take happiness in the heat of every others' bodies. The puritanical spirit remains among our society, unfortunately, and it's the people who are izmir escort for it.

Venereal disease and unwanted pregnancy effects all ages, all races. By doing all that we can to get rid of these social ills, we are elevating the spirit of humanity, the creed of kinship, the bond that could be called our experience together. Among the principal arguments of people who oppose prostitution, there is the purity argument. It is not really a question of the condition spread by illegal prostitutes, or of the criminal element related to it.


But alternatively, it is a matter of purity. By allowing people to change sex for cash, we are allowing visitors to participate in impure acts, which are destructive towards themselves. My a reaction to this is simple: irrelevant. It is irrelevant whether a motion is judged to be pure or impure. Personally, I think that allowing children to reside in poverty, allowing armies of unemployed to starve, and restricting the flow of information is impure.

It's impure to build palaces when there are still men and women without homes. If it had been impure to feed poor people and homeless, should we make it illegal? If it had been pure to murder and rape, should we ensure it is legal? Needless to say not. The terms "pure" and "impure" are meaningless. If conservatives are simply just going to use it without any purpose, then it is by using complete disregard for morality and the goodness of mankind.

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