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Paris Elysees Original Perfume Maker.

13 de Abril de 2021, 0:36 , por Shruti Singh - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Conventionally French. Fill your senses with the time-honored and revered scent. France bespoke Fragrance. For the Bold. For the Romantic. For the iconic. For the Sleek. For her. For him. Create an authentic statement.

The understated style, unique sense of sophistication, timeless elegance and a charismatic approach is the French way. These distinctly French qualities are the legacy and soul of the Paris Elysees perfumes since its inception in 1990 when our founder Mr. JJ Vola started his perfumed odyssey where all his compositions came to life.

Paris Elysees collaborates with the master perfumers of Grasse in France, the well-known capital of perfume since the XVIIth century, to create its unique scented compositions.


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Best perfumes for women in india

Best perfume for women


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    Shruti Singh

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