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7 Ways to Age Beautifully

2 de Maio de 2022, 8:43 , por Simon Hopes - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Growing older is not always easy. All of us want to age beautifully and stay as vibrant and healthy as we can. Here are seven steps you can take to ensure that you age as gracefully as possible.

1. Exercise

The first step for anyone looking to age gracefully is to begin (or continue) a regular exercise regimen. According to, regular exercise can improve your overall health and well being. It can also improve the quality of your sleep and your mood.

The exercise you choose need not be overly exerting. A walk every day, or light calisthenics when you wake in the morning, can be enough to trigger the benefits that exercise can bring.

2. Eat Right

Being sure to eat a healthy diet, with whole foods representing all of the major food groups, is an important facet of keeping your overall health as you age. Per MedlinePlus, older adults should focus on being sure that their calories are nutrient-rich, since most take in fewer calories as they age, and be sure to get enough protein.

Eating right can also support mental acuity and keep your brain sharp. Harvard Medical School warns that brains need the proper fuel to function properly. If you have concerns that your diet may need extra nutritional support, consider adding brain health supplements to your routine.

3. Eliminate Stress

In today's world, no one is immune to stress. Occasional stress can cause some health issues, but this can be reversed when you focus on maintaining and taking care of your health.

Taking the time to manage stress is a good investment in your future. Well-known stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga and martial arts are all excellent methods to try. Another proven stress-buster is enjoying the companionship of a pet. The National Institute of Health recognizes the health benefits of keeping a pet, including the power pets have to alleviate stress and support feelings of calmness and well-being.

4. Take Care of Your Mental Health

There are many resources available to help you manage any mental health issues you face, or for you to maintain the health you currently have. Taking the steps to support mental health can be frightening, but taking those steps can be the most important thing that you do for yourself.

If you do not know where to begin, you can find help through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

5. Quit Your Vices

As you age, the bad habits obtained in your youth begin to take their toll. It's never too late to quit the vices that are not good for you and reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. The CDC provides plenty of information on why giving up your vices can help you age well. If you smoke, quit. If you drink alcohol, consider cutting back. If you abuse drugs, get help and stop. Leaving your vices behind is the best way to enjoy a long, healthy old age with family and friends.

6. Sleep Well

Enjoying a good night's rest can keep your mind and body healthy. Acquiring healthy sleep can become a challenge as we get older, but has resources to help you identify the causes behind not being able to get a good night's sleep, and the step you can take to sleep well.

7. Find a Hobby or Two

According to the National Institute on Aging Well, having a hobby or activity that you enjoy can help you maintain your health. Joining a card group, learning to cook or reading good books are all ways to support your health (and enjoy yourself!) as you age. Pursuing your interests, and finding new ones, is one of the wonderful benefits of having more time to ourselves as we age. Taking advantage of a less-busy schedule by doing what you like, and maintaining your overall health at the same time, is a win-win.

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    Simon Hopes

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