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Exchange on- premise to office 365 migration step by step

22 de Dezembro de 2023, 9:28 , por Olivia Watson - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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This process of migration from on-premise exchange to Office 365 is common these days, as most of the users are shifting their data to Office 365. Now that users are, wish to begin the migration task they are asked to pick out the correct tool for the procedure. Most of the enterprises that are running small, medium or large organizations depend on Office 365 to keep their data stored in it. However, to initiate the task, users must review the preeminent method for the procedure.


It will help users smoothly proceed with this exchange migration process and will migrate the mailbox from Exchange to Office 365 easily. Thus, the procedure is difficult but can be easy to handle with the correct solution. You will get all the related updates regarding the procedure on this page. So, read the full blog to get detailed knowledge about the task.


Cause of exchange to exchange migration process


Microsoft has introduced a cloud-based emailing platform that businesspeople are using to store their crucial data. Users are relying on Office 365 to maintain their personal as well as professional data. Data is very crucial for every user as it holds all the necessary information, so one cannot afford to lose it. Thus, there are several reasons for users on-premise exchange to Office 365 mirgration. Users will gain various advantages by migrating the data.


  • Users will be able to run the Office 365 platform in any system as it is a Universal platform, and one can edit or make changes whenever they require. It is a boon for many organizations as they can communicate from anywhere.
  • Users do not have to spend much on the infrastructure as it provides scalability; users have to buy new email accounts for new users.
  • Office 365 is very cost-effective, as they have to just spend on the subscription plan. Purchase the plan as per the requirement and extend the storage limit of the mailbox so that users can store more data in it.
  • The software will automatically update Office 365 whenever Microsoft introduces a new version of Office 365.


Which is the best method to perform migration from on-premise exchange to Office 365  task


The manual method and professional third-party tool are two ways to begin the exchange migration task. However, users who are using this emailing platform are well aware of this migration task and how necessary it is. They must be well aware of this procedure and the methods to begin this task. The manual method is tough to begin with as it requires vast technical knowledge and takes a lot of time to finish the task. 


Furthermore, users these days wish for quick and accurate results and with manual methods, users are not sure about a proper migration of data. Therefore, they prefer a professional method for the task as it is the only way to finish the task quickly. The professional tool assures users of proper security of their data, but for that, users are supposed to choose the tool for the task carefully.


Why should one prefer a professional tool?


Professionally, the task will be completed without consuming much time, and users will get proper security for their data with this method. However, it is difficult for users to choose the perfect utility for migration from on-premise exchange to Office 365 task. There are a number of tools available for users to begin the task. The Shoviv Exchange to Office 365 migration tool is a one-stop solution for users to begin the task. It will guide the users until the end of the task and will make sure for the safety of their data. The software comes with several unique features, so go through it once.


  • The tool is a job-based process that where users can run multiple jobs while running the migration task.
  • This software will effortlessly proceed with migration from on-premise exchange to Office 365 without taking much time.
  • There is a filter option so that users can filter the data as per their requirements. Users can filter based on item, date and folder type.
  • Users can choose between the Archive mailbox, primary mailbox and public folder.
  • There is an incremental export facility for users so that users can restart their interrupted process.
  • There is a schedule option so that users can schedule the migration task as per their requirements.
  • It will maintain the hierarchy of the data and its data originality.
  • The tool will work with every version of the Exchange server and Windows operating system.
  • The software prepares a full report of the entire task so that users can go through every step in detail.
  • It has a very user's friendly interface that will make the whole procedure very easy going for the users.




Now that users are willing to begin the migration from on-premise exchange to Office 365, the process is asked to go through the above content. We have shared every single detail about the task so that users can easily finish the entire task. The tool offers a free demo version of the tool so that users can go through every feature in detail.

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    Olivia Watson

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