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A guide to 6 types of rugs

4 de Agosto de 2021, 14:30 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Rugs came into being around 5000 years ago. In the early 19th century use of carpets as home decor became highly popular. But before you hop into the rug shopping game, you need to know about the different types of rugs. Our guide will help you choose the right kind of rug for your abode.


6 types of rugs

Jute rugs

Jute is a popular crop in the Indian subcontinent. Organic jute rugs are biodegradable and nature-friendly. If you are an environmentalist organic jute rugs will be the best choice.

Hide rugs

Cowhide is immensely used as carpets these days. At first, these were used in the 17th century by the Americans. There is a misconception that hide rugs are cruel. The reality is that in the production of hide carpets, no animal cruelty is involved.

Wool Rugs

People often use wool rugs these days. In New Zealand and Australia, wool is abundantly woven. The first woven carpet mill was established in Philadelphia. Wool rugs are long-lasting and have many other additional benefits.

Faux Rugs

Faux rugs are budget-friendly. If you don't want to spend a ton of money on rugs, you can buy a faux rug. Faux carpets are made of synthetic fibers. It's hard to tell the difference between a hide rug and a faux carpet.

Silk Rugs

Silk rugs are luxurious. But every luxurious item comes with a price, so the price of silk carpets is extremely high. Moreover, they are less durable and hard to clean.

Polypropylene Rugs

These types of rugs are used as an alternative to wool rugs. They are also less costly and easy to clean compared to wool rugs.


We hope that now you know which type of rug will be perfect for your home. Buying a carpet depends on a lot of factors like design, budget, and setting. You'll surely find the right kind of rug for your house if you have read our guide carefully. 



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    Susan California

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