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A guide to finding the perfect letting agent

5 de Outubro de 2020, 11:55 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Given the hundreds of letting agents available in your locality, it might not be easy to shortlist the best ones unless you learn about the following steps:


1. Determine which services you require

Services include finding tenant, managing property or looking for rented property. Which one are you looking?

Letting agents in Ashford who find tenants, will help in dealing with the initial rental. After the primary documentation and paperwork are completed, their responsibility is over. If you want them to perform more duties like collecting rent, that is also possible. 

The letting agents who manage property will get the tenants and then perform any regular duties on behalf of you during the rental period, for instance, making arrangements for maintenance or property inspections.


2. Research local letting agents

Once you decide what you want, make a shortlist of potential letting agents. To find the best ones, read forum discussions, ask your neighbours or look at the reviews of various firms who provide letting agents.


3. Learn about the fees

Different letting agents charge different fees. However, it can be approximated to pay roughly 10% of the monthly rent for a tenant-find specific letting service. For full management letting agents, approximate fees are around 15% of the monthly rent. 


4. Check accreditations

Letting agents in Ashford should be accredited under schemes or professional bodies like the National Approved Letting Scheme (NALS) and ARLA Propertymark. It will ensure that the letting agency satisfies letting standards and should comply with all the codes of conduct.


5. Review money protection schemes

The law demands owners and agents deposit tenants’ payments in a state authorised tenancy deposit protection scheme. Ask the letting agent of the scheme they follow to ensure they are obeying with the laws. Letting agents must have a certificate verifying they are members of Client Money Protection Schemes (CMP). If you do not find confirmation of the letting agents abiding by the rules, ask them to show their accreditations.


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    Susan California

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