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Achieve similar results with these dairy-free options

9 de Junho de 2022, 16:19 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Have you struggled to find the perfect creamer for your morning coffee? Do the fat-free products make your dishes feel bland? Well, we have some excellent news for you! Whether it be lactose intolerance or a diet to cut out some fat, you will be thrilled to know your options are not limited and some of them might just be even better than your regular choices!


Lactose-free milk


You heard it right! This is a fantastic idea for those who are not satisfied with alternatives. If it is lactose that you’re worried about, you should be able to find lactose-free milk from any dairy company Cyprus. It’s basically plain milk that has been treated with lactase, a substance that breaks down the lactose so you can consume it without worries.


For your coffee or drinks


Most of us cannot function without a proper coffee and if you like yours with creamer or milk, you can switch that out for coconut cream or coconut milk. Alternatively, if you prefer your coffee or smoothies to be on the lighter side, additions like almond milk or soy milk are great choices that are rich in flavor!


For your savory dishes


Lots of dishes call for some cream or milk. You can indulge in your favorite pasta or curry by adding coconut cream or pureed tofu. Don’t worry; these do not cut out any flavor! You can add nutritional yeast along with some herbs to replace cheese, add a few drops of lemon and you got yourself the tangy cheesy taste without having to reach for the dairy aisle!


For your desserts


Mousses and puddings can be made using aquafaba, which is the liquid that comes in canned chickpeas. Don’t panic! Your dishes won’t taste like chickpeas and it’s commonly used nowadays! It provides air to your dish and makes it fluffy without the use of whipped cream. You can even use thickened coconut cream which will provide fattiness too. Oat milk and hazelnut milk are also great for delectable desserts like creme caramel or ice creams.


Since you have a good idea of what you can use now, you should be able to switch it up and experiment here and there, without compromising on any flavor!

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    Susan California

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