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Advanced Vision Inspection Solution for Better Quality Control

12 de Outubro de 2019, 15:46 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Automatic vision inspection system is becoming increasingly popular and important among manufacturers. By implementing advanced vision inspection system manufacturers are now able to meet the standard quality and build a long-lasting relationship with their customer base.

For quite some time manufacturers relied on the manual process of inspecting the production line but in the long run manual inspection provides to be time-consuming and also the costly way of achieving the quality assurance of the production line. Implementing the advanced in-line vision inspection system helped the manufacturers to overcome the major challenges and provide to be one of the most cost-effective method resulting in better quality control and also gain the desired quality assurance.


Applications of Vision Inspection System

The advanced automated vision inspection system solution is designed to maintain the production standard. And what’s more, is by implementing the in-line vision system in the manufacturing process there is very little task that cannot be accomplished. In fact the inspection system covers a broad spectrum of objectives that are vital for quality assurance of production line. Certain applications of a vision inspection system are as follow-


  • 100% inspection of the production line
  • Quality checking applications
  • Presence/Absence detection
  • Optical character recognition (OCR)
  • Pattern matching
  • Defect detection
  • Part Verifications
  • Barcode reading and traceability
  • Label verification
  • Checking out the tolerance of components
  • Counting and batch sorting


Implementing the Automatic Vision Inspection System

When deployed the automatic vision inspection system solution becomes an integral part of the manufacturing process which ensures the success of process and manufacturing operations. The vision inspection system can be designed to adapt to individual manufacturing requirements.

Industrial manufacturers usually require 360-degree quality inspection and the inspection system designed for such manufacturers is able to provide top, bottom and side inspection while also provide additional cost-saving benefits of reduced wastage, and improved quality control.


On Harford Control Vision Inspection System

Harford Control’s vision inspection system is developed for a broad spectrum of components and when implemented works as a turnkey solution to meet the 100% inspection and high-speed quality control requirements.


The vision inspection system designed by the Harford Control teams offers a turnkey solution which comes with in-house integration of a wide range of camera technology and performance management solution which ensures that the production line meets the desired quality standard.


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    Susan California

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