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Analysis of the determinants of gold price

26 de Fevereiro de 2020, 15:28 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 36 vezes



Gold attracts both the long- and short-term investors because of its unbeatable price. Besides, the uniqueness and attractive look of the gold never lets its demand lessen. Indeed the demand and supply are the significant price determiner of the gold.


However, physical gold is rapidly increasing from the past few decades because of its demand. Consequently, purchasing and selling gold for cash  has become very common to the gold investors.



Determinants of gold price

Though the price of gold does not vary that much. But few factors may create a considerable impact on its price. Let's explore them!


Weakening USA dollars

The gold price is somehow interrelated with the USA dollars. If the value of USA dollars increases, the gold prices remain low. Contrariwise, the decreasing dollar values ​​make higher the price of the gold.



Gold is the preferable thing of investing to the investors. Commonly, the inflation of currency in the market cannot lessen the value of the gold. It is the major reason for customers investing in gold. But currently, market studies have revealed that inflation is one of the leading determinants of gold prices.


Central banks

Gold is a capital against the USA dollars. So, the physical storage of gold creates the value of a country's national currencies. Here the central bank of a country plays a vital role in determining the price of gold. If it retains the gold more than the dollar, the rate of dollars reduces. Consequently, the gold’s value increases and the national currency of that particular country can retain its value.


Consumption demands

Consumer demand is another determinant of gold prices. To keep the price stable, the needs and supply of the gold have to be equal in the market. If the demand is more than quantity, the cost of the gold will rise. Contrariwise, if the supply of the gold is more than the order, the price will reduce.



So, these are the leading indicators of determining the gold price. Before investing and, you must have to concern these factors for getting better output.


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    Susan California

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