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Direct Mails: The (Possible) Key To Booming Your Business

8 de Janeiro de 2021, 16:28 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Don’t you get annoyed sometimes, when your precious emails get drowned under ads of different companies? Do you believe these things are all useless? Well, think again! Not only are they still appreciated by a lot of people, but they can also actually be a good way to boost your business. Let's dive deeper into the world of Direct Mails, shall we?

What is direct mail?

A very normal thing to ask, in an age where emails are the norm. If we put it in email language, direct mails are equivalent to ad mails of promo emails that usually stay in your spam folder, never seeing the light of day. According to Shopify Encyclopedia,


“Direct mail is a form of marketing that involves sending a physical piece of promotional material through the U.S. Postal Service or other courier services to a home or business. Some recipients refer to it as “junk mail,” because direct mail generally arrives uninvited.”


In a nutshell, Direct Mails are ads, but sent personally to you, in the form of flyers brochure and whatnot.

Are Direct Mails dying?

Contrary to popular belief, direct mails are still pretty prevalent. In 2018, direct mails took a huge portion of the local advertising sector, which is equal to nearly 40 billion. And in 2020, the numbers have only increased. Around 65% of companies prefer traditional direct mail kent over emails, or use them both at the same time.


So the question is - Why? Why do people still prefer direct mails? Well, the answer can be the secret to making your company.

Using Direct Mails to your advantage

One of the biggest reasons why Direct Mails are alive and well in this age of digitalization is the amount of personalization they can provide. While competitors opt for emails, send a brochure to your targeted customers, personalize it according to their needs, come up with eye-catching headlines, & offers. While these techniques might get stuck in the spam of your email, through Direct Mails they are sure to get your customers attention. But careful not to overdo it though, that will simply backfire.


Time to make your customer special, and seal that deal!!


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    Susan California

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