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Do’s and Don’ts of Planning a Wedding Yourself

22 de Junho de 2020, 16:31 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Planning a wedding is fun and exciting in doubt; however, it is also a work of uncountable responsibilities, and management is the key. It may sound simple, but in reality, if you are going to plan a wedding by yourself, you better tighten your seatbelt because the wedding planning process needs a lot of attention, and is very tiring. From the wedding ring to food, everything needs extra care. To make any wedding flawless, there are some dos and don'ts you just can't compromise with. Keep reading to know what you must do and what to avoid!


Before you start the planning, make a blueprint with the wedding couple, and if possible with the family too. Take the desires and vision of the couple into consideration; also, clear everything about your plan and their budget to avoid mishaps. Do make a list of everything you'll organize, be it a small ring or the venue, checklists are a must as it helps to track the budget as well. Do keep in mind the weather before you book the venue so that rain or heavy fog doesn't ruin the wedding fun. If it's the wedding season, then choose the venue quickly and do taste the food menu by yourself too.


While planning a wedding, make sure to never go out of the budget; not only it saves time but saves the last-minute stress and trauma too. Don’t keep anything for the last moment and double-checking is a must. Don’t let the staff manage the expensive things like the wedding ring or gifts. Another thing to keep in mind is to keep the stage away from the food tables or bar as there is a chance of crowd when guests greet the couple. Before the final day, don't forget to do the final dress fitting of the bride and groom, or else it might be a serious mishap at the last minute.


No matter how perfect your planning is, don’t forget to have an alternate plan as things might go wrong, and you need to be there to tackle. Lastly, do not take the stress and enjoy the little moments!



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    Susan California

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