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Handy Explores If You Should Fear Success

4 de Dezembro de 2019, 11:38 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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‘Success’ - the one word that is music to our ears and something which we all long for since we came into this world. All the time, effort and money are directed towards achieving this one goal; to be successful in whatever you are doing. So, why is that some people actually fear success. Is it for real? This is one of the anxiety problems known Achievemephobia; in which the person generally suffering from it is actually unaware of it. Handy tries to explore this fear of success and how it should be dealt with.


The Discussion

  1. Accept the fear - With success comes great responsibility and most of us are afraid of this. The fear of losing the quality time with your loved ones, health risk, and behavioral changes; may stop you from setting a target for yourself. While all this may be true, you should still prepare yourself how to deal with them for an easy transition.


  1. Write it down - The classic way of writing everything to be dealt with is always the best therapy. Write the areas that would be most affected when you achieve success. When aiming high, you are bound to make some compromises. Make it in such a way that the impact felt is the least. Always remember that whatever happens, you should give adequate importance to your loved ones and your health.


  1. Let it go - The most common cause of the fear of success is that we often get entangled in the web of the past. You may be extremely talented, but there may be a string of failures in the past. Remember, no success comes to you till you have had the taste of bitter failure. Do not consider failure as a deterrent to set your aim. Instead, learn from the mistakes and be confident in yourself. Be welcoming to the fame, power, and money that success will bring to you. This will inspire you to achieve and handle success in the near future.


  1. Take the help of an expert - Fear is natural. Never hesitate in taking the help of an expert and talking out your fears with them. You can try hypnotherapy which digs deeper into the mind and tries to remove the root cause of this fear of success or failure. You can also try some behavioral therapies as and when recommended. Meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and the likes may also bring some kind of relief.


  1. Avoid being in a chaotic situation - People suffering from Achievemephobia are unable to handle the success they have achieved. They take time to sink into the new situation. This might result in a dramatic and chaotic situation in life. Your life may completely spin out of control. Avoid going into self-destructive behavior. Do not get lured by an extra glamorous and luxurious life.



With the ever-increasing number of celebrities committing suicides and other crimes at quite a young age, Handy feels that the reasons emanate when success is not handled properly. Though an old saying; it holds great meaning when it says, “Do not let success get into your head.”





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    Susan California

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