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How is engagement ring different from wedding ring

5 de Julho de 2020, 17:06 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Do you know that an engagement ring and a wedding ring are not the same? Yes, both of the rings have their features. People often confuse engagement ring with a wedding ring. Both rings play a vital role. Marital rings are the sign of devotion and agreement between two parties and a sign that they are married. There are a lot of differences between these two rings.


An engagement ring is given to the brides or grooms when they both agree for marriage. It’s mainly a part of the proposal. So, when someone admits their love for another person, and they agree to accommodate each other for the rest of their lives, that is the time to give an engagement ring. On the other hand, a wedding ring is given during the wedding ceremony when the brides and grooms exchange their vows for each other.


Generally, an engagement ring has a wide stone in the center and may or may not surrounds itself with other smaller stones. While the ring for a wedding is plain metal. Sometimes it can have diamonds or gemstones on it. The engagement ring is always a bit fancier than the ring for the wedding. However, the engagement ring is normally worn in the fourth finger of the left hand, and when married, the ring of the wedding should go first as it stays closer to your heart but both on the same finger.


The total carat of an engagement ring is always more than that of a wedding one. The ring for a wedding might have gemstones or diamonds on it, but it doesn’t cost more than an engagement ring. Engagement rings typically cost more because they have large diamonds and also includes other details like pave. On the contrary, the wedding one is naturally a normal ring.


Both the rings are important for a marriage. Both of them have their features and stand for different purposes.


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