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8 de Dezembro de 2019, 3:15 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 13 vezes


Are you looking for an estate agent to help you sell or buy houses? Let’s assume you are looking for Estate Agents Ashford. Let’s take you through some quick tips on how to choose your estate agent.


The first step is to do some research and get some recommendations from your friends or family who has taken service from an estate agent in the past. You can also look online for the good ones in your area. If you live in Ashford and are trying to find Estate Agents in Ashford, you can also look for ‘estate agent wanted’ sign in the road in your area.


Now, it is time to narrow down your list. Firstly, check the credential of the agents. Verify their permit and past record and the schemes they follow. This is not a hectic task at all. You can sit at home and do your research online.


The next step is to meet them. If you are looking to sell your house, you can disguise yourself as a potential buyer and show interest in their houses. This way you can directly evaluate their performance as a seller. By now, your list should be quite small. Next, you should invite this small party to your property and ask them to state an estimated value of your property. Do not make the mistake of hiring the agent who proposed the highest value for it because they might have overpriced it to entice you. They will end up being unable to find customers in the real market.


Now begins the question-answer session. Get information about how much the agent charges and about his tie-in period. While you decide between sole and multi-agency, understand the charges and services in each type. If all looks okay, draw up your contract! Make sure you read your contract word by word and you are happy with every detail. If not, do not hesitate to ask questions.


Now, it is time to assess your agent’s behavior, attitude and performance. Check their progress. If you are happy with it, then congratulations! You have successfully chosen the right agent for you.

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    Susan California

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