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How to declutter your dresser and organization tips

20 de Junho de 2022, 16:10 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It's easy to forget about your dresser in the rush of daily life, but they can collect an unimaginable amount of dust and bacteria that you want to get rid of. The last thing you want is the dirt on things you use frequently as it can not only damage them, it can even be harmful to your skin. So next time you get some time off, use these tips to de-clutter as well as go through old things you don’t use any longer.


Old belongings


You probably have some old perfume bottles or broken pieces of jewellery that are only taking up space and collecting dust. It’s best to throw these out to prevent taking up space for other important things. If you have older precious jewellery that are family heirlooms or presents that just do not suit your taste, but you don’t feel like throwing them out, consider getting a loan against your jewellery items. Contact your local jewelers or pawnbrokers to get an estimate of what you should expect on a loan against gold or diamonds. Lastly, consider giving away any pieces that are in good condition to charity or family members.


Clean drawers and wipe down surfaces


You might want to do a deep cleaning session if it has been long since you wiped your drawers. Take out all your belongings and replace any drawer liners. Take wet wipes and wipe down the sides or use a mini vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust. Clean plastic organizers such as brush holders and jewellery boxes.


Use organizers


Keeping everything at close access and categorized will definitely help you clean afterward as well as prevent a mess. Purchase good, sturdy organizers that will help you store your items and help you find them easily when you need them. Display cases are great for jewelllery since you can easily find what you need without rummaging through your drawers. Use covered acrylic stands for brushes to provide dust protection.


Apart from keeping your allergies and skin from flaring up, a clean dresser will make adorning you all the more fun.

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    Susan California

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