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How to fix the warm air from the Air conditioning

19 de Abril de 2021, 13:25 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Air conditioners keep the inside temperature of the household comfortable and cozy by releasing cool air. But, if the air conditioner is releasing hot air instead of cool air, there might be some problem with the machine and you need to fix it quickly. Otherwise, it will affect the indoor air quality and the rest of the machine parts very soon. In this article, we will know about how to fix the warm air issue of the air conditioner. In case you are looking for maintenance agencies for your air conditioner, you can check - Air Conditioning Repair Tunbridge Wells  website.


Fixing the hot air issue


Check the thermostat:

The first thing you need to check is the thermostat. The thermostat could be set to heat instead of cooling and thus, the air conditioner might provide hot air. Make sure the thermostat is set to cool and the thermostat batteries are working properly.


Circuit breaker:

Sometimes if there are problems with the power supplies, the circuit breaker switches off the cooling machine and thus, the air conditioner releases hot air. Check the circuit breaker and power supply for a tripped breaker or fuse. Replace any blown fuse and flip the breaker if needed. You may also contact professionals to fix the major power supplying issues.


Evaporator coils and refrigerants:

Evaporator coils keep the cool airflow and keep the air conditioner running smoothly. If dust and debris clog the air filters, evaporator coils can get blocked and this may lead to hot air blowing from the air conditioner. Make sure to clean the air filters regularly and change them if necessary to keep the cool air blowing. Also, check the refrigerants and if there are worn service valves or loose joints, seek help from the professionals for fixing the refrigerant issues.



Air conditioners need regular maintenance for operating and providing a better service. If you need immediate repairing of your air conditioner, you can contact- Air Conditioning Repair Tunbridge Wells for getting repairing services at a good rate.

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    Susan California

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