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Is it wise to sell bitcoins as the worth is increasing day by day

14 de Julho de 2020, 17:56 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency to manage monetary transactions. It was launched in 2009 and since then the value increased rapidly. If you buy bitcoin and deal with the transactions, you will know that the worth of bitcoin grows every year. The daily growth is 5-10% approximately. It'll not be either a good idea or a bad idea to sell your bitcoins because the worth will increase and decrease also. It's up to you what you decide.


Firstly, it is not wise to sell bitcoins because the crypto market is on the run to make progress every day. Sometimes it goes downwards too but comparing to the growth the decreasing rates are less. Sometimes it’s up to nearly 50% in a month or sometimes it goes down to 40% in a month. if you want to make money bitcoin is a more prominent way to make a lot of money in the short term.


However, if you are facing financial issues or want to invest your money in buying a house or car then you can sell bitcoins. Remember, the money you are getting now by selling your bitcoins you may get double of it or even less in the next month. So, research properly while you’re selling bitcoins.


Moreover, for being the prime currency to the cryptocurrency market bitcoin changed the trading of cryptocurrency. That doesn’t mean it never drops its value. If you believe the value is not worth investing for then you should probably sell it and if you like you can buy it later. 


The trading of bitcoin currency is like a dead end. If you have money that you are not afraid of losing then you should go for the dead-end because then the dropping in value won’t affect you much. Selling bitcoins depends on the value. The decision is yours.

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