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Is scrapping your old gold jewelry for new designs worth it?

2 de Julho de 2020, 14:20 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Are you wondering to reuse your old gold jewelry by remodeling it? Do you think it’ll be a good idea to change your original gold into something new? It might be old, but recycling gold might not be a good decision. Gold scrap means to recycle old jewelry by melting it and make it something new. No matter how outdated your gold jewelry may become, you should not go for the process. There are many reasons why you should not do the scrapping.


If your gold jewelry is less than 24K, then it is not 100% gold. Generally, 14K or 18K gold jewelry is mixed with 25% of other metals. You don't know what other metals are there until you test it scientifically. Every metal has a different melting point; the result will be always unpredictable. Alloys don’t work well while being recycled. You’ll expect something but get something else. Hence, if you try to melt it for a new design you’ll probably end up worsening the quality. Moreover, by recycling the old gold you are eliminating the originality. It’s improbable to get back to the origin. There’s no way out. It highly affects the selling price of gold.


Normal recycle can waste a lot of gold. Gold scrap will turn your gold into a different thing. After recycling if you ever want to sell it, you won't get the exact price. Recycled jewelry is not worth the price of an original one as it completely drops the standard. Moreover, doing single piece casting causes discoloration and cracking. You might end up getting disastrous outcomes and ruin your old design.


You might not like the design and want to scrape gold . However, you should weigh the pros and cons of scrapping your old design for a new piece. Scrapping won't give you the same amount as the original one. A good alternative would be to instead buy a new one after selling it at a good price.



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