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Lithium-Ion Battery that could Change the World

12 de Dezembro de 2019, 16:43 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The use of lithium-ion batteries has increased significantly in recent years. Before the invention of this battery, people depended on the batteries with no specific significance as lithium-ions do. Lithium-ion batteries offer some particular advantages for which people have accepted their uses more.


Lithium-ion batteries indeed have both advantages and disadvantages. However, apart from the disadvantages, lithium-ion batteries have brought the world to a whole new level. The benefits are explained as follows,


High Energy Density: It is one of the main advantages of lithium-ion batteries. The electronic equipment, such as a mobile phone needs to operate for an extended period between charges consuming more power. Therefore, the batteries always need much higher energy density. Lithium-ion batteries offer such advantages in mobile phones, such as 7.4v Lithium Ion Battery pack is used in mobile phones. Also, lithium-ion batteries are used in other power tools and electronic devices. And the electric vehicles also need a high energy density technology to run well.


Rechargeable and Self-Discharge: Lithium-ion batteries come with the rechargeable feature. Also, the rechargeable batteries have a connection with the discharge rate. The best part about lithium-ion cells is that the rate of self-discharge is much lower compared to other rechargeable cells. The rate is typically around 5% in the first four hours after having the charge, but then it falls to 1% or 2% per month.


No Priming Requirement: Some rechargeable cells require priming after they receive the first charge. However, lithium-ion batteries or cells do not require such.


Low Maintenance: One of the best parts of the lithium-ion batteries is that they do not require much maintenance to ensure their overall performance. Other cells usually require a periodic discharge to ensure that they do not display the memory effect. It does not affect lithium-ion cells, so the similar maintenance procedures are not required for lithium-ion batteries.


Different Types Availability: You will get different types of lithium-ion cells. The right technology can be used for the proper application where needed, and this is the best feature of lithium-ion cells. Some lithium-ion battery ensures a high current density. Those are ideal for mobile electronic equipment. And others can provide a much higher current density, as well. They are suitable for electric vehicles and power tools.


So, these are the things you are getting from lithium-ion batteries, which have shown the world a whole new change.


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