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Simple styling tips for summer that will brighten up any outfit

20 de Junho de 2022, 14:52 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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With summer just around the corner, it’s time for countless brunch outings in the warm weather and catching up with friends. You want to look your best for the season, so we are here with a handful of simple tips to enhance your attire. Whether you are shopping for summer, or want to work with what you already own, we’re sure something will be helpful!


Bright colours


Summer demands a colourful palette, whether in great saturation or in playful pastels. For afternoons out, a soft orange or yellow dress is classic and brightens up your appearance immediately. Be sure to not pair too many contrasting, bold colours as it may look overdone for a cohesive look, pair vivid and pastels of the same colours.


Minimal jewelry


You want to look fresh and minimalistic in this weather, so dainty gold or silver jewelry are your best friends. If you are looking to buy some diamonds this summer, you’re probably thinking of lab diamonds vs real diamonds. In this case, you can get great man made diamonds Perth for a cheaper price but no less sparkly!


Fresh scents


Pick out the fresh floral or fruity scents from your collection this season to not only look but also feel energized. You can find tons of options for summer that will match your personality. You can even go for soapy or minty scents to add a stronger touch of freshness




Go for the classic loose waves that have a laidback effect. Ponytails, low buns and even intricate braids are all beautiful ways to go for this weather, doubling as a measure to battle the heat!




If you prefer to keep your clothes and hair fairly simple and monochrome, but still feel like adding some colour, you can get a bright manicure to feel up to the spirit! Some bright pinks and blues or iridescent nails are trendy and fun so you won’t feel like you’re missing out.


Last but not least, have fun and get creative with your style! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new signature appearance!

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    Susan California

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