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Small renovations you can add to your patio to make it look brand new

10 de Junho de 2022, 15:11 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Summer is here and this definitely calls for some great get-togethers and outdoor parties. Now is the perfect time to renovate or revamp your patio to make it a cozy place for some new memories! The thought of starting from scratch or building on an old setting may be intimidating but we’re here to help, here are some ideas you can use to bring some change!




Try adding an elevated portion to your backyard for a sitting area or to separate it from any grass or plants you don’t want to accidentally destroy. You can easily do this yourself by purchasing wooden planks and some tools. You can even get your hands on some pallets in Chichester, and use those for a rustic-looking deck or platform.


Seasonal plants


Since summer is here, nothing will complement your patio like a few new additions of seasonal plants with their vivid greens and bright flowers. Selections such as a Caladium plant to add a pop of colour or Poppy to add some flowers to your view are amazing touches.


Fairy lights


This is a popular decoration that makes any location look brighter and creates a jolly ambiance. They are cheap and easy to set up, just wrap them around any fences or on a pergola and you are good to go. Outdoor dinners or parties are sure to come together with these.


Rugs and throw pillows


Make any sitting area much cozier with a rug that is easy to clean and some throw pillows. If you have a set of sofas on your patio, adding matching throw blankets will certainly make for a great nook for late-night summer conversations!




Set up a pergola to make the area look more cohesive while beating the summer heat. This doubles as a good relaxing corner on rainy summer days so you can enjoy the weather without getting drenched. You can take things a step further and hang lanterns or hanging planters.


You can get as creative as you want with these plans and add your own touches through colour palettes and preferences.

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    Susan California

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