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The capacity of jewellery

14 de Julho de 2020, 14:51 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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For most of us, wearing jewellery is just a ritual of putting on earrings, bracelets, pendants, etc. before going out. We wear jewellery because it makes us look gorgeous and ready to fit into an event. Have we ever asked why people started wearing jewellery in the first place? How did it become a habit?


In ancient times, pharaohs, kings, queens and emperors showcased their jewellery as a symbol of wealth and stature. Everyone had their hearts set on jewels, and they became a method of exhibiting opulence. The ornaments of older times weren't as sophisticated as they are now. Leather, shells, feathers, and berries were the components of ancient jewellery. People believed some stones had healing and therapeutic effects. They thought stones had the magical power of bringing or changing fortune.


While the history of jewellery is extensive and enchanting, our purpose of wearing them is straightforward. Generally, we wear jewellery because it makes us look better. The jewels complement our outfit, make a fashion statement and complete our look. Sometimes jewellery can be satisfying. The tinkle of bangles is soothing to the ears, and the sparkle of gemstones is pleasing to the eyes.


Sometimes jewellery owns a hereditary significance. Families pass on pieces of jewellery through generations. It forms an invisible string between ages.


Jewellery connects people to different memories. If you ask a woman which piece is most precious to them, most will mention their engagement or wedding ring. A ring is an emblem of the commitment they made. It reminds them of all the memories they made with their partners. A ring can make you feel optimistic so that you can believe to overcome hardships when you are united.


Jewellery has the power to evoke emotion, bring back memories of special events, people and vibes. They can convey our personality and taste through their colours and style.

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    Susan California

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