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Top Five Florist Secrets You Don’t Know Yet

23 de Julho de 2019, 15:03 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Florists know better to care for the flowers and how to arrange them properly. You have seen that they are capable of managing them easily and on the other hands you can’t do anything to make them fresh. There are many things that a florist won’t tell you about keeping the flowers fresh.

If you are looking to know these secrets, then you have to read the entire article carefully. Here, we will discuss some of the top florist secrets that you don’t know and how you can make your bouquets to stay long. Let us discuss the florist secrets below.

1. Go for the flowers on Monday

It is the biggest florist secret that has been hidden for a long time, but now it is revealed. The majority of florists show the fresh flowers on their shop on Monday, and if you are going on Monday, then you can choose from varieties of flowers. The best part is that all the flowers are fresh.

2. Taking allergy meds

There are many florists who take allergy meds at work to get them free from any allergy. They consult the professionals for the meds and take them to make sure that they don’t go through any trouble during work. You have to make sure that you don’t buy any flowers from them which can cause you allergy.

3. Best time to buy flowers is in the summers

The best time in which you will get the fresh flowers from them is in summer. You may be thinking that you will get fresh flowers at valentine then you may be thinking in a wrong way. You won’t get fresh flowers in February.

4. Mark upcharge

A professional florist will charge you much money for the flowers. The reason behind is that they properly assemble the flowers in the packages, and it will appear beautiful. You can ask them to cut some rates, and the best thing is that they will do it. You can go for the florists in Birmingham, jewelry quarter florist to get the best flowers at reasonable rates.

5. Keep away your flowers from fruit

You don’t have to keep the flowers near the fruit as they emit ethylene which will be not good for the flowers.

These all are the top florist secrets that you need to know and try to follow them properly if you don’t want to hurt your flowers.


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