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Tela cheia Reviews Tips on Becoming a Better Storyteller

24 de Agosto de 2019, 15:00 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.



A good story can certainly hold the attention of your listeners, inspire them, move them emotionally, and create a lasting impression. However, it also matters how you tell your story. According to Reviews, learning the art of storytelling is extremely important as it will help you to become much more persuasive. Good storytellers are not only charming but can also act as authority figures and gain the respect of their peers.


Not everybody is a born storyteller. Many of us have to learn the art. However, with the right knowledge and some practice, you can become an awesome storyteller in no time.


Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips you can follow to become a better storyteller -


  1. Start with a hook - Don’t start a story by including useless background information. Always start with a hook, an engaging foreshadowing that grabs the attention of the listeners and keeps them interested until the conclusion of the story.


Of course, you do need to inform them about the most relevant details but keep it short so that you don’t lose their attention.


  1. Start with the end in mind - Don’t ever start a story without the end in mind. You need to be sure about the message that you are trying to convey. Everything else is just filler and dressing. Once you know the main point of the story, you can construct the narrative of the story in a better.


If you make your story up as you go, you will only ramble on and your listens will detect it in your voice and attitude. They will think you are insincere and lose interest.


  1. Modulate your voice - Don’t make the mistake of rushing through your story. In order to add drama and suspense, you need to vary the speed of your speech and modulate the intensity of your voice. Speak louder during the parts where there is action and slow down when you want to add suspense. Your listeners will love you for it.


  1. Don’t just tell, involve them - Don’t just speak with your words, paint a picture in the minds of your audience. Ask your listeners to imagine the situation, add dialogues to make the story more real, insert humor to add fun and get their feedback, in the end, to know what they think. When you involve your listeners into your storytelling adventure, they have more fun and you become more engaging. Just be sure not to poke fun at anyone as it can ruin the mood.



According to Reviews, you need to practice a lot in order to become a good storyteller. Just knowing how to tell a good story won’t do you any good. Practice with your friends and family members until you get better to speak at a conference or radio show. The best storytellers can enthrall you and give you a break from reality. Whether you want to be a marketer, a teacher, an influencer or a coach, you need to know you to motivate your listeners and inspire confidence in themselves. The way to do it is through the art of storytelling.

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    Susan California

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