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What documents do you need to sell a truck?

20 de Março de 2020, 16:39 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Do you know why people purchase a truck? Because they want to make the truck an earning source by renting them. Some traders purchase a truck for carrying their own goods. But earn money through truck rental Essex might be time-consuming and stressful to some owner.


In such a situation, the truck owner sells his truck to recover his spent capital as much as possible. To shifting the ownership of a vehicle, a truck owner must have the documents which are related to his vehicle.


Necessary documents for selling a truck

If you want to sell your old vehicle, especially the truck or van, you must have the following documents. Without them, you cannot sell your conveyance legally. Or the buyers may face problems in the nearest future. Let’s get knowledge about those necessary documents.


V5C registration certificate

The V5C logbook is an important document which you must have when selling your vehicles. You have to handover the certificate as well as with your conveyance to the buyer. Without the V5C registration certificate, the buyer legally cannot be the owner of the truck.


MOT certificate

The MOT certificate is proof that a particular vehicle has the eligibility of running on the road. The validity of the license remains for 12 months after doing the MOT test. The seller has the legal right to sell their vehicles without the MOT certificate. But the MOT certificate makes a conveyance attractive to the buyers.



You can expect the best price from the buyer if your truck has a remaining warranty. Because the warranty makes a vehicle more trustworthy to the purchaser.


Servicing record

If you can show a complete servicing record to the buyers, it will increase their reliance on you. So, you can expect a good price for the customer by restoring your truck’s previous servicing records.



If you do not want to make truck rental Essex anymore, you can sell them easily. Because in the market, lots of buyers are interested in collecting old vehicles. All you require to get a reasonable price for your vehicle is the documents we have enlisted here.



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    Susan California

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