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What is the Cost of Hiring a Bodyguard?

7 de Julho de 2021, 15:54 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Are you looking for a bodyguard? Do you want to hire them for your safety? In this article, we are going to provide you every cost detail of hiring a bodyguard. A bodyguard plays an important role for a person. They will deal with any situation to save their client's life. Mostly, the bodyguard is quite expensive. But, you don't need to worry, because you are about to know about the affordable bodyguard. So, let's see how much does a bodyguard cost?


How much does a Bodyguard Cost?

A bodyguard is a specific person hired by a security provider company or agency. There are many types of bodyguards such as unarmed personal bodyguards, armed bodyguards, full time, with driving responsibility, etc. The cost depends on the duty of a bodyguard. The guard companies also provide security guards. Though bodyguards and security guards are different, they both ensure the security of a specific person or place. So, if your budget is low and needs simple security, you can hire a security guard. For shopping malls, institutes, houses, government, and non-government offices, etc. the security guards are perfect. But for personal safety, a bodyguard would be the best option. In the UK, there are many body guards London agencies that offer you an affordable bodyguard. Besides this, let's find out a different type of guards costs.

Unarmed bodyguard

An unarmed bodyguard means they are not allowed to use weapons. They will provide safety services unarmed. These type of bodyguards costs almost $400 to $500.

Long time bodyguard

A long-time or full-time bodyguard will serve you their service 24/7. They will stay with you at any place. These types of bodyguards are quite expensive. They cost more than $1000.

Armed bodyguard

These types of bodyguards are trained well and they are allowed to use the weapon. Mostly, they are hired by the politician, government, or royal families. So, they cost $700 to $1000 per day.

Besides this, other bodyguards cost around $500 to $1500. But if you want to hire cheap guards, you should hire regular security guards.

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