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What Makes a Diamond Look Good

12 de Janeiro de 2021, 9:36 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The mesmerizing beauty of gemstones always leaves us in awe. No matter how beautiful a gemstone is naturally there are some steps to make it a fit for normal use. Have you ever wondered why do some diamonds look better than others? Well, there are some determining factors in the case of the outlook of every gemstone. 


The first thing that makes some diamonds stand out from the others is diamond cuts. How a diamond was cut can change its outlook. A diamond’s cut determines the depth and width of it. Some stones shine more and there are some which shine less. Also, according to how the stone was cut, the pattern of light reflection and refraction can change. A diamond’s cut can often change the way it looks. This is a reason why some diamonds don’t look much attractive to our eyes even after being well graded.


The next thing is the color of the stone. Especially in diamonds, there is a range of colors. They can be pure white, which is undoubtedly the most beautiful and also contains a higher value. At the bottom line, a diamond can come in a greenish-yellow color. The whiter a diamond looks, the more value it adds. Besides, that color spectrum also makes a stone more or less attractive. It doesn’t mean that a less white diamond is not always pretty. With the right combination of color, cut, and carat, even a cheaper diamond can look very attractive to the eyes.


The shape of a stone is also very important. Though it may vary from person to person, sometimes it can be a major cause. The shape should be in tune with the diamond’s cut to make it look pretty.


Last but not least a diamond's quality also remains in its carat. Though carat mostly determines the quality of the diamond, it is also true that a better quality of the stone is supposed to look more attractive and beautiful.

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