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What to Do When Someone Has a Heart Attack

20 de Janeiro de 2020, 14:32 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The heart attack is one of the most dangerous and severe medical syndromes a patient can have. If it is not treated on time, the patient can lead to death immediately. So, it is always recommended to take proper necessary steps when you feel like someone around you is having a heart attack's symptoms.


At first, do call the emergencies, get an ambulance, and take the patient directly to the hospital. The emergency medical services personnel can start the treatment of the patient on the way to the hospital. So, do not delay to call the emergency services when any symptom comes up.


If you fail to reach the emergency services, drive the person to the hospital, or manage any other options to take the patient to the hospital’s emergency. This is very common when people do not take this issue seriously. Most of the time, they think they have a normal ache out of gastric or something like that.


The common symptoms of a heart attack include pain or discomfort in the middle of the chest, spreading the pain beyond the chest to the shoulders, back, neck, jaw, teeth, dizziness, nausea, sweating, fainting, shortened breathing, etc.


For an emergency case or before reaching the hospital, you can provide the patient with aspirin if he / she does not have allergies or is not forbidden from the doctors to have it. You can also give the patient nitroglycerin if it was prescribed by the doctors before as a patient of cardio.


When the patient is unconscious, it will be better if you call the emergencies and get directed by the doctors to provide the patient CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Without any CPR training, you should try the chest compressions. Also, the lifepak 1000 can be a great lifesaver as an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). To use this on the patient, follow the instructions properly. These are the ultimate life saviors of a heart attack patient.


In a word, do not pressurize the patient and try to run to the hospital as soon as possible. Only the doctors know how to take proper steps in this critical situation.



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    Susan California

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