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Why should I Avoid Lab Diamond as Jewelry?

22 de Agosto de 2022, 2:41 , por Susan California - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Like real diamonds, lab diamonds are also making their statement in the jewelry world. Real diamonds are hard to get. That's why lab diamonds are filling the place. Well, there are tons of reasons to choose that man-made diamond over the real one, but many of us are unaware of its dark side. It is time to get to know those dark sides before you make any move. In this article, we will cover the definition of diamonds, the difference between real and lab diamonds, and why you should avoid them as jewelry.


Brief Discussion of Lab Diamond


Lab diamonds are an alternative to real diamonds. There are many reasons that you can't find the real one in the market such as unavailability, unaffordability, harm to the environment, the risk to get from the mine, etc. To avoid these problems, scientists have come up with an alternative that is lab-created items.

There are many benefits of lab-created items. It is affordable, you can purchase it from anywhere, similar to the real one, no mine job, etc. To buy this material, you must know about 4 cs of diamonds. Carat, cut, clarity, and color, these are the 4cs. While choosing the perfect diamond jewelry you must check these four things. These 4C’s of a Diamonds rules are also preferable for lab items. This means you also have to check these things if you want to buy lab items. Well, now before all of these, you must ensure if you choose lab diamonds or not.


Bad investment


Though the brand and owner claim that lab and real diamonds are similar. But there are many differences and the first one would be that it isn't a real diamond. The brands demand the same price as the real one which is insane. For an alternative, you shouldn't pay millions of bucks.


Bad for environment


Diamonds are made of carbon crystals and as you know carbon isn't good for our environment. When diamonds are produced in the lab, the rate of carbon emission is not lesser than the mined diamond.




Lab diamonds are not durable as the real ones. It is breakable and this is the reason that you shouldn't choose it as jewelry. It won't be suitable for regular use.


Diamond is a precious material with a big investment. You should analyze each and everything about it.

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    Susan California

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