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Buying a Digital Camera? Avoid a Mistake With 7 Insider Tips

1 de Agosto de 2022, 8:04 , por tony morgan - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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So, you're ready to buy a digital camera, huh? Maybe it's your first, maybe it's your fourth. It can still be an overwhelming and confusing venture. With so many digital cameras on the market today ranging in price from under $100 to over $7,000, it may feel like there are TOO MANY CHOICES!


Many people begin the buying process by investigating all the features and functions of 10 - 20 cameras in "their price range," however that is determined. Some people find that process too frustrating and buy the first digital camera that "looks" right.


Personally, I'm an analyzer. As a professional photographer, when I start analyzing digital cameras, it's like unleashing a sumo wrestler at an all-you-can-eat buffet... there's no stopping me.


But, for the typical consumer, knowing the digital camera's features and functions alone just doesn't cut it. People want to know WHAT THE FEATURE DOES FOR ME!


Whether you go the feature/function route or not, there are 7 insider tips that can help save you money and avoid buying the wrong digital camera for your purposes.


Tip #1: How to Get the Best Prices on Digital Cameras


Wherever you are in the investigation/buying process, eventually you get to this step. If you want to buy a digital camera, the best prices are on the internet. Whether you've purchased anything on the internet or not, there are certain INTERNET BUYING STRATEGIES that will save you money, time, and aggravation.


When purchasing ANYTHING through the internet, only consider the ENTIRE cost of the "digital camera + tax + shipping," NOT just the price of the digital camera. This is the only way to compare "apples to apples."

Once you find the best ENTIRE cost, do not immediately buy it from that vendor! There are key INTERNET questions to answer:

Is the digital camera in stock? There is often a mysterious correlation between the cheapest digital camera prices and cameras being OUT OF STOCK. You don't want to order your digital camera and then have it sit on backorder for 3 months, do you?

Does your Nikon (Minolta, Canon, etc.) come with a USA warranty or is it what's called "grey goods?" You want to verify it's a USA warranty, unless you don't mind having to service it internationally. If it's grey goods, you WILL NOT be able to service it in the US.

When ordering your digital baby, beware of costly add-on accessories that may be needed eventually, but are suggested during this "special order promotion time" at 200% of the normal price.

Tip #2: Professional or Prosumer... Which is Right For You?

Let's begin by clarifying our terms. A professional digital camera is a digital SLR, while a prosumer is basically everything else. In that context, as of the end of 2005, digital SLRs could be purchased for $600 - $8,000 (Canon and Nikon, at least). The key points to consider are: 


If you plan on shooting night photos or other pictures in low-light situations, many prosumer digital cameras take good quality photographs at ISO 100 or 200. However, to take good pictures in lower light at ISO 400 or 800 will typically require a digital SLR. Otherwise, digital "noise" will probably have too large an impact on picture quality.

If you plan on taking flash photographs at distances greater than 10-12 feet from your subject, an external flash unit needs to be used. And the only way an external flash unit can be used with your digital camera is to attach it to your camera's hot shoe. Every professional digital camera has a hot shoe. Many prosumers also do, but NOT ALL OF THEM.

Salespeople often try to sway consumers away from professional digital cameras into prosumer models, saying that the digital SLRs have so many complicated features that they are difficult to use. That is only half correct. Digital SLRs are typically designed to allow consumers to take pictures easily using the more automatic settings OR to use the advanced features when they are comfortable doing so. Read more on-camera monitor



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