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Safer Internet Day

6 de Fevereiro de 2012, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 858 vezes

Today, february 7th, is the Safer Internet Day, a initiative that mobilizes over 70th countries in order to promote the safe and responsible use of the internet. This year theme is “Conecting generations and teaching each other: discovering together the digital world with safety”. The event seeks to raise awareness of institutions involved with Education, Children and Tenagers Rights, Communication and Advertising.

Right now, a bunch of activities are occurring in Brazil and over the world. In Salvador - Bahia, besides the distribution of booklets about the safe use of internet, the Anglo-Brasileiro School hosts a debate, along with the distribution of informational material and the Rômulo Galvão School promotes a exhibition of videos about the theme.

You can also participate! Send to your contacts articles, interviews and published material about the event. Besides that, you can also help donating products that can be used in the propagation actions and releasing the license of your products - softwares, games - anything that can be used to dissemination and promotion.

The purpose of the Safer Internet Day is to bring the debate to the daily basis, performing actions in various media, extending the discussion throughout the year of 2012. To know more, download here the presentation file of the event and watch the videos!


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