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Questionnaire II - Happiness and Coherence, Internal Ecology

29 de Setembro de 2023, 15:20 , por Débora Nunes - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Internal Ecology: Questionnaire for the governance of one's own wellbeing

To each question there is an answer that seeks to be the most favorable to your health and wellbeing. See how you position yourself in regard to the question and the proposed answer, understanding your process of self-transformation as continuous, each state giving rise to new moves. This is a document under construction, so, in the end, try to contribute to improve the questionnaire, drawing on your own daily experience and views. Thank you.


To answer, use the following scale: 

(A) ALPHA - I see a certain stability and balance in myself. There is little questioning of my life context (Alienation or harmony?);

(B) BETA - I feel sporadic restlessness and live with questions about my life context (Need for adjustments?);

(G) GAMA - My restlessness is generating discomfort, but my understanding of the need for change is only mental and I carry on doing everything the same;

(D) DELTA - I feel I'm at a moment of crisis and a paradigmatic leap into action, because my understanding already includes my heart;

(NA) NEW ALPHA - I've achieved new stability after transformation. As this deepens, new challenges will probably arise.

 Questionnaire from alpha to new alpha

I - About your body consciousness: physical health. 


 I - In a holistic view of life, discomforts and diseases are allies to indicate where and how you have to change. Is this observation part of your life?  


Answer: Yes, I deeply understand and therefore I practice a daily self-observation of my body (pains, posture, eyes, nails, skin, digestion, appetite and general behavior), being aware that it expresses signs of change. I perceive my weaknesses and strengths, and I respect them and try to change.

Your current state in this regard: ______________


 II -  About the quantity, quality and types of food that you consume daily:


Answer: I seek to make my food my medicine, prioritizing fruits, vegetables, teas, whole grains and nuts, avoiding meat and industrialized products.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 III - About body waste monitoring as indicators of your health:


Answer: I am attentive to the quantity, quality, time and rhythm of my residues (urine, feces, menstruation, catarrh, etc.) and try to understand what they reveal when I notice something uncommon.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 IV - The spine keeps the physical and subtle axis of your body. Do you seek to be aligned?


Answer: I exercise my posture daily to strengthen it, I observe my tendencies of misalignment and I am always attentive to return to align it.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 V - Your physical exercise habits are part of your relationship with your body. How are you on this? 


Answer: I exercise, preferably outdoors, every day, to strengthen my body and improve my flexibility, paying attention to the breathing and my state of mind.
Your current state in this regard: ________________


 VI - Your weight is another indicator of health and your way of life. How do you find yourself?


Answer: I know the measures of normality of weight and I use them as reference. I respect, however, my genetic particularities and personal taste.

Your current status in this regard: ________________


 VII The rhythm of activity and rest, be it mental or physical, is one of the keys to health. Do you respect your limits?


Answer:  I try to diminish the rhythm of my life, resisting external pressures and try to balance intellectual, creative and physical activities with rest, to balance the Yin-Yang energies, of receptivity and action. 

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 VIII - Do you follow the quantity and quality of sleep that you have every day and try to balance it?

Answer: Yes, I try to sleep in favorable conditions for a good night of sleep and sleep daily the hours that my body needs.

Your current state in this regard: ________________

II – Emotional awareness: psychic, emotional and relational health.


  I -  The fluctuation of emotions is a natural process in life, but when it becomes too intense and extreme, it can lead to a strong personal misalignment that is manifested by certain constancy of specific emotions. How do you manage your emotions?


Answer: I always observe them and try to heal myself. I try to look at my life with some distance, understanding that the real world is like a play in which each one plays his role. My adjustments and inadequacies to this role are sources for my emotions that I try to heal.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


  II - The undesirable daily behaviors are indicative of the learning that remains to be completed, because knowing and not doing is not knowing yet. Do you consider your thought and actions coherent?


Answer: I try to live according to Gandhi's motto, trying to be what I want to see in the world and knowing that the consistency between what I think, do and say is a source of equilibrium and joy.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 III - Interpersonal relationships reflect your personality and impact on your quality of life. Do you take care so that your relationships are healthy?


Answer: I try to cultivate friendships that support me and make me grow and I try to make my family relationships be enriching for myself and for the others, activating the empathy and honoring both my ancestors and descendants. In my social environment, I seek complementarity and cooperation, so that everyone wins with each other. 

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 IV - For traditional knowledge and for countless scholars of the human mind, such as Jung, dreams are revealers of the soul. Do you observe your dreams?


Answer: I try to remember my dreams daily and see their qualities (pleasant, nightmares, inexistence of dreams, etc.). When possible, I try to describe them in writing, trying to understand them individually immediately and in their chain in the long term.

Their current state in this regard: ________________


 V - Do you perceive the relation between the appearance and organization of your material environment (in your house, work…) and your inner life and seek to act in this field?


Answer: Yes, I try to keep my life environments organized. As I understand that everything is interconnected, I try to use the external organization as a help for my personal development and to inspire in this alignment to make changes in my surroundings.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


III- Consciousness and mental health


  I - Your mental health is the result of constant hygiene. Do you take care of what feeds your mind?


Answer: I avoid excess of negative information, worries and excessive thinking, as well as people and situations that stress me and consume my mental and spiritual energy.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 II - The activities that you exercise in the day to day feed or deplete you. How is your personal alignment in this field?


Answer: I seek that my work/study and my daily activities in general are aligned to what is my mission in the world (sankalpa). I constantly have a feeling of personal/professional usefulness, I feel free and with the possibility of creating my destiny with joy.

Your current status in this regard: ________________


 III- Your relationship with your own future can be a source of well-being or sadness. How is it? 


Answer: I feel calm because I have clarity about my personal evolution process and my future plans include the joy of the increasing coherence between what I am and what I want to be, favoring an old age in peace. I realize that I feel more peaceful and that my personal energy is more and more subtle, contributing to peace in the world. 

Your current state in this regard: ________________


IV- Consciousness and spiritual health


  I - Do you incorporate in your daily routine time to be in contact with the subtle dimension of your existence?


Answer: I have small rituals along the day, related to the subtle dimension of life and I also have an established daily routine of inner silence (meditation, contemplation, yoga, etc).

Your current state in this regard: ________________


  II - Obsessive fears are the opposite of surrendering to the designs of the Universe, which knows what is best for you in the long term and how best to favor your learning. Do you realize your relationship with your fears?


Answer: For me, fear is at the same time the enabler of physical integrity and the instrument of the mind to keep in control. I observe and seek to heal my fears with more surrender and confidence every day.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 III - Your relationship with yourself is one of the greatest components of your wellbeing. How is this? 


Answer: I'm at peace with myself, I cultivate my self-esteem with acceptance, forgiveness and a friendly way of looking at others. At the same time, I try to be better today than I was yesterday, for myself and for the world.

Your current state in this regard: ________________


 IV - What do you think about the traces that you will leave in the world when you go from here? 


Answer: I make death an ally, attentive to the heritage I will leave and I have a feeling of being on the right path, trying to do my best and be part of groups that try to contribute to a better world.

Your current status in this regard: ________________





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