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Evolve Love Flash - Going Deeper Into the Climate Crisis

18 de Agosto de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 88 vezes
Visit We live in a time of incredible change. It's very easy to fall into fear - we have many reasons to be frightened in this time of great crisis - economic, ecological, and cultural. But running through it all, like the blood in our veins, is always the powerful current of love. As long as we have breath, love is alive within us. EVOLVE LOVE will be a map to help us stay grounded in the life force, offering inspiration and guidance to help us face the crises of this trembling planet, with open hearts and minds. Thank you for joining us on the journey! Shot by Ian MacKenzie Edited by Damien Bouchard
Views: 482
9 ratings
Time: 05:41 More in Nonprofits & Activism


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