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"MONSANTO GO AWAY" Anthem - Performed by HUMAN - Occupy Maui

28 de Janeiro de 2012, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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As part of a week of action against Monsanto, musician HUMAN joins Occupy Maui in solidarity to sing their new anthem. Shot by Ian MacKenzie. Help support the upcoming feaure doc OCCUPY LOVE Support The Human Revolution on the GMO Right 2 Know Tour. Download the song "Monsanto (Go Away)" here: scroll down to the Naked-Remix album Thanks for your support! Occupy Wallstreet Maui GMO FREE MAUI Monsanto (Go Away!) Words and Music by Human You say you want to help our community Help the farmers sell more food But all you sell to us is lies You're only looking out for you You say its all about the children And yet you feed them pesticides We know its all about your profits Because of you too many die Chorus: Monsanto Go Away Go Away Go Away You are NOT welcome on our land Monsanto Go Away Go Away Go Away You are trespassing on our land You say you're all about democracy But then you interfere in our political process You may have fooled some politicians You may have given them some money But this is not Washington DC You cannot bully this community We are much stronger than you think that we are We are everywhere and we know who you are Chorus: Monsanto..... So if you know what is best for you You will take your lies and go back home You cannot tell your lies to change our minds We don't want your fucking poison seeds here in Mendocino For many many years we grow our food the natural way Earth she <b>...</b>
Views: 9360
235 ratings
Time: 09:01 More in Nonprofits & Activism


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