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Occupy Valentines Day. Bring Love.

31 de Janeiro de 2012, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 90 vezes
Love is not a product! This Valentine season let's reclaim love. A call to action for Occupies everywhere - how will you occupy Valentines? A flash mob kiss-in at the corporate criminal of your choice? At banks, malls, public spaces and places of local signficance? Let's show the world that love is the revolution! How do you Occupy Love? Send us your Occupy Love Story! All submissions will be on the web and could end up in the feature documentary "Occupy Love." We are creators - not consumers. Occupy Valentine's Day. Bring Love. Love is not a product! This Valentine season let's reclaim love. A call to action for Occupies everywhere - how will you occupy Valentines? A flash mob kiss-in at the corporate criminal of your choice? Let's show the world that love is the revolution! How do you Occupy Love? Send us your Occupy Love Story Follow this link to learn more! ! All submissions will be on the web and could end up in the feature documentary "Occupy Love." We are creators - not consumers. Occupy Valentine's Day. Bring Love.
Views: 2334
51 ratings
Time: 01:46 More in Nonprofits & Activism


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