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January 12, 2009 22:00 , par Inconnu - | No one following this article yet.

Why Take Fostering Agencies Into Consideration While Becoming A Foster Parent

January 14, 2021 15:26, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



If you feel like you have the capabilities to do foster parenting and looking for somewhere to start working as a foster carer, local authorities are not really the only options you have. Independent fostering agencies (IFAs in short form) also fulfill an important role in fostering children. Actually, independent fostering agencies often even work together with local authorities.


Before starting your journey as a foster parent, you might want to learn more about the differences between a local authority and a fostering agency London.


  • Older Children: Local authorities give more priority to giving shelter and care to as many children as possible for them, hence ending up taking in a lot of younger children as they are easier to place. Foster agencies on the other hand place children who are usually a little bit older.
  • Training and support: This is a field where fostering agencies differ from local authorities quite significantly because fostering agencies focus on the best potential foster carers. Fostering agencies can offer you 24/7 support and advice for your journey. IFAs can also put you through a thorough training programme or seminar, allowing potential foster carers to be acknowledged with mandatory skills for effective fostering.
  • Special Needs: Keeping children with special needs under care is a specialty of foster agencies as their training process is usually more specific. Meanwhile, local authorities do not invest time to find foster carers with specific skills for taking care of children with special needs.
  • Payment: Fees provided by independent fostering agencies are generally higher than the amount local authorities give. There is no fixed figure for this however and the allowance or payment can vary noticeably depending on the age of the children and their needs (for example taking care of children with special needs offer higher payment).


Regardless of the differences, there are ways both are similar or even the same. For example, a NHS health check might be necessary to go through before being hired for both cases.

What Makes a Diamond Look Good

January 12, 2021 9:36, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


The mesmerizing beauty of gemstones always leaves us in awe. No matter how beautiful a gemstone is naturally there are some steps to make it a fit for normal use. Have you ever wondered why do some diamonds look better than others? Well, there are some determining factors in the case of the outlook of every gemstone. 


The first thing that makes some diamonds stand out from the others is diamond cuts. How a diamond was cut can change its outlook. A diamond’s cut determines the depth and width of it. Some stones shine more and there are some which shine less. Also, according to how the stone was cut, the pattern of light reflection and refraction can change. A diamond’s cut can often change the way it looks. This is a reason why some diamonds don’t look much attractive to our eyes even after being well graded.


The next thing is the color of the stone. Especially in diamonds, there is a range of colors. They can be pure white, which is undoubtedly the most beautiful and also contains a higher value. At the bottom line, a diamond can come in a greenish-yellow color. The whiter a diamond looks, the more value it adds. Besides, that color spectrum also makes a stone more or less attractive. It doesn’t mean that a less white diamond is not always pretty. With the right combination of color, cut, and carat, even a cheaper diamond can look very attractive to the eyes.


The shape of a stone is also very important. Though it may vary from person to person, sometimes it can be a major cause. The shape should be in tune with the diamond’s cut to make it look pretty.


Last but not least a diamond's quality also remains in its carat. Though carat mostly determines the quality of the diamond, it is also true that a better quality of the stone is supposed to look more attractive and beautiful.

What is Boho Minimalist?

January 9, 2021 15:46, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Certainly, you can guess from the name that boho minimalist style is a mixture version of bohemian and minimalistic interior design. 




Bohemian is a unique and carefree bright, patterned, multi-colored style that has a deficiency of formation. Bohemian style is not as much structure oriented as modern or minimalistic interior design. Bohemian portrays a relaxed spirit, freestyle art and brings out socially unconventional norms. 




Minimalistic style refers to the usage of the least amount of elements and still portrays an aesthetic classy look to the interior. It is hard to distinguish between minimalistic and modern interior design Newcastle styles as both have very similarities in textures, structure, and rules. Simplicity is the core of the minimalistic style. 


Clean Lines and Colourful Accessories 


The first rule of minimalism is clean lines and negative space. For boho, it can be anything. But try adding colorful accessories or which belong to a particular color scheme.


Wide-ranging decor 


Leave the floor, beams, and alcoves natural and original. You may keep the walls white or beige as well. Then add any art piece, plant, wall hangings, rugs.


Less but Vibrant 


For minimalism less is perfect and for boho, elements have to be vibrant. Use a minimum amount of elements but which will pop up and portray a vibrant look to the interior.


Play with forms and patterns 


Now, we all know minimalism indicates simplicity. But do not fear to add patterns and different forms of objects. To get a boho minimalist style throw elements with identical shapes and different patterns which will highlight in the room.


Passion and memory lane


Many people want to frame their memories and hang or place them in their home or workplace to bring a homey gesture as well as their passions. By selecting a particular wall and place the elements in an order one can pull it off.


Direct Mails: The (Possible) Key To Booming Your Business

January 8, 2021 16:28, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Don’t you get annoyed sometimes, when your precious emails get drowned under ads of different companies? Do you believe these things are all useless? Well, think again! Not only are they still appreciated by a lot of people, but they can also actually be a good way to boost your business. Let's dive deeper into the world of Direct Mails, shall we?

What is direct mail?

A very normal thing to ask, in an age where emails are the norm. If we put it in email language, direct mails are equivalent to ad mails of promo emails that usually stay in your spam folder, never seeing the light of day. According to Shopify Encyclopedia,


“Direct mail is a form of marketing that involves sending a physical piece of promotional material through the U.S. Postal Service or other courier services to a home or business. Some recipients refer to it as “junk mail,” because direct mail generally arrives uninvited.”


In a nutshell, Direct Mails are ads, but sent personally to you, in the form of flyers brochure and whatnot.

Are Direct Mails dying?

Contrary to popular belief, direct mails are still pretty prevalent. In 2018, direct mails took a huge portion of the local advertising sector, which is equal to nearly 40 billion. And in 2020, the numbers have only increased. Around 65% of companies prefer traditional direct mail kent over emails, or use them both at the same time.


So the question is - Why? Why do people still prefer direct mails? Well, the answer can be the secret to making your company.

Using Direct Mails to your advantage

One of the biggest reasons why Direct Mails are alive and well in this age of digitalization is the amount of personalization they can provide. While competitors opt for emails, send a brochure to your targeted customers, personalize it according to their needs, come up with eye-catching headlines, & offers. While these techniques might get stuck in the spam of your email, through Direct Mails they are sure to get your customers attention. But careful not to overdo it though, that will simply backfire.


Time to make your customer special, and seal that deal!!


Why should you choose Moissanites over Diamonds?

January 5, 2021 9:16, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



When we think of a beautiful engagement ring we always thing on a solitaire diamond on top of platinum, silver or a white gold ring. Because we always think that diamond is the most precious stone on earth. But with the advancement of technology, there is a new type of lab-created diamonds as well. Now diamond can be costly as well. Moissanite is cheaper compared to that. Now there is some difference between Diamonds Vs Moissanites, they are as follows:


  • Diamonds are made of carbon under a lot of pressure but Moissanites are made of silicon carbide. They are compositionally different. But they have the same colour.

  • Measurement for diamonds and moissanite can be different, diamond is measured on the basis of a carat and moissanite is measured on the basis of a millimetre.

  • The price point of both of them can be very weird. Diamonds of 0.05 carat and moissanite of 5mm are almost equal in size but their price is almost 50% different from one another.

  • One of the main difference is diamonds are shinier than moissanite. That is because diamonds have more refractive index than moissanite. Giving both of them the same cut may not lead to the same shine as well.

  • On the scale of hardness, moissanite may be behind diamonds as well. Diamond will get a solid 5/5 for hardness but for moissanite, this may not be the case it can reduce to 4.25/5. This might not feel very much though.

  • Diamond has a refractive index of 2.42 and that of moissanite is 2.65, this makes them stand out.

  • But moissanite looks more real than the lab-grown diamonds sometimes.


So you have read all the differences, you can decide now which one you want or need. Though diamond can be intimidating sometimes but compared to the other facts Moissanites can be a better choice as well. The rest is up to you.

Susan California

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