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January 12, 2009 22:00 , par Inconnu - | No one following this article yet.


December 8, 2019 3:15, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Are you looking for an estate agent to help you sell or buy houses? Let’s assume you are looking for Estate Agents Ashford. Let’s take you through some quick tips on how to choose your estate agent.


The first step is to do some research and get some recommendations from your friends or family who has taken service from an estate agent in the past. You can also look online for the good ones in your area. If you live in Ashford and are trying to find Estate Agents in Ashford, you can also look for ‘estate agent wanted’ sign in the road in your area.


Now, it is time to narrow down your list. Firstly, check the credential of the agents. Verify their permit and past record and the schemes they follow. This is not a hectic task at all. You can sit at home and do your research online.


The next step is to meet them. If you are looking to sell your house, you can disguise yourself as a potential buyer and show interest in their houses. This way you can directly evaluate their performance as a seller. By now, your list should be quite small. Next, you should invite this small party to your property and ask them to state an estimated value of your property. Do not make the mistake of hiring the agent who proposed the highest value for it because they might have overpriced it to entice you. They will end up being unable to find customers in the real market.


Now begins the question-answer session. Get information about how much the agent charges and about his tie-in period. While you decide between sole and multi-agency, understand the charges and services in each type. If all looks okay, draw up your contract! Make sure you read your contract word by word and you are happy with every detail. If not, do not hesitate to ask questions.


Now, it is time to assess your agent’s behavior, attitude and performance. Check their progress. If you are happy with it, then congratulations! You have successfully chosen the right agent for you.

Handy Explores If You Should Fear Success

December 4, 2019 11:38, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



‘Success’ - the one word that is music to our ears and something which we all long for since we came into this world. All the time, effort and money are directed towards achieving this one goal; to be successful in whatever you are doing. So, why is that some people actually fear success. Is it for real? This is one of the anxiety problems known Achievemephobia; in which the person generally suffering from it is actually unaware of it. Handy tries to explore this fear of success and how it should be dealt with.


The Discussion

  1. Accept the fear - With success comes great responsibility and most of us are afraid of this. The fear of losing the quality time with your loved ones, health risk, and behavioral changes; may stop you from setting a target for yourself. While all this may be true, you should still prepare yourself how to deal with them for an easy transition.


  1. Write it down - The classic way of writing everything to be dealt with is always the best therapy. Write the areas that would be most affected when you achieve success. When aiming high, you are bound to make some compromises. Make it in such a way that the impact felt is the least. Always remember that whatever happens, you should give adequate importance to your loved ones and your health.


  1. Let it go - The most common cause of the fear of success is that we often get entangled in the web of the past. You may be extremely talented, but there may be a string of failures in the past. Remember, no success comes to you till you have had the taste of bitter failure. Do not consider failure as a deterrent to set your aim. Instead, learn from the mistakes and be confident in yourself. Be welcoming to the fame, power, and money that success will bring to you. This will inspire you to achieve and handle success in the near future.


  1. Take the help of an expert - Fear is natural. Never hesitate in taking the help of an expert and talking out your fears with them. You can try hypnotherapy which digs deeper into the mind and tries to remove the root cause of this fear of success or failure. You can also try some behavioral therapies as and when recommended. Meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and the likes may also bring some kind of relief.


  1. Avoid being in a chaotic situation - People suffering from Achievemephobia are unable to handle the success they have achieved. They take time to sink into the new situation. This might result in a dramatic and chaotic situation in life. Your life may completely spin out of control. Avoid going into self-destructive behavior. Do not get lured by an extra glamorous and luxurious life.



With the ever-increasing number of celebrities committing suicides and other crimes at quite a young age, Handy feels that the reasons emanate when success is not handled properly. Though an old saying; it holds great meaning when it says, “Do not let success get into your head.”



How to Create an Outdoor Garden Room

December 2, 2019 15:02, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


A garden room can be the perfect place in your home where you can sit for a while and relax. If you are interested in building an outdoor garden room, you should know how to get it right within a particular place. You have to fix first which material you prefer to build that. There are a lot more facts to consider, as well, when you are about to start building the garden room.


However, this article is going to help you with some useful tips.


Fix Your Budget: If you want to invest much money with the materials used in the garden room, you can go for it. Contact the professionals and ask for the best material substances that will be suitable for your outdoor space.


Study the Place: When you plan to build a garden room, you need to know the size of the place you have in your home. If the site is way smaller, the output won’t be that desirable as you expect. However, if there is a minimum place to create a garden room, you can make plans for it. You should call a professional to view the location and project for the overall cost of the entire structure. Make the area as private as you can because this has to be the perfect location for your relaxation.


Materials: Usually, garden rooms are made of brick and stone. There are concrete, slumber, and wooden materials preferred by the homeowners, as well. The material of the room depends on your selection. Your budget and planning of the making will decide that in a sense. So, discuss everything before you get started with building the outdoor garden room.


Permission: You may ask if you need any consent from the local authorities to build an outdoor garden room in your home. The answer is if you use much material moving the soil around, and that is making a significant change in the drainage system of your house, you may need permission from your local authority. Building an outdoor garden room might include the drainage system and other maintenance, which will require talking to the professionals and the local authority.


Moreover, to build an outdoor garden room, you will need help from the professionals to design the overall setting. Take help from the Garden Room designer in Essex to get ideas and the best output for it.


How Utility Billing Services Work

November 30, 2019 10:58, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


We all have multiple utility services at home. We use electricity for various daily purposes. We use gas for cooking and water for cleaning and drinking. All of these services are widely known as utilities, provided by either the government or a private organization.


To keep using these services, we need to pay for these utility bills every month which are sent by each service provider. The services are likely to be cut or suspended if the bills remain unpaid for a few months.


Utility billing procedure

Each service provider has its billing rules, which are generally quite similar from one to another. Get to know how these utility billing services work through these step-by-step procedures below.


Bill Generation

Bills are generated at the end of the billing period after the service has been offered. The bills can contain a fixed amount plus the service's consumption for the whole period, calculated using meters for better accuracy. The due date is mentioned in the bill and failing to pay the full amount before this date may involve a fine or the service's suspension; sometimes both.


Receiving the bill

You will get the invoice by email or post, as soon as it has been generated. Digital bills are widely adopted nowadays, and some companies even offer a small discount when you choose the digital version over the paper one. This means that your bill won't be delayed by the post and you will certainly receive it on time every month.


Bill Payments

Once you receive the bill, you should not waste time in paying the claimed amount. You can usually pay the bills through online banking or directly with the service provider using a credit or debit card. Always remember to pay the bill before the due date. Being late with your payments will result in your account being blacklisted by the service provider.


Save the records

Many people overlook this point, but it is crucial. Keeping all the invoices and payment proof is extremely important if the service provider is unable to trace your payment for some reason. When errors come to light, all you want is to have proof that you paid for the services.


Final Thoughts

As you can see, this article contains great tips that help you manage your utilities. Keep in mind that your bills should always be clear and transparent. Keep your payment slips always at hand, if you need to prove that your bill was paid on time, and avoid penalty fees and service suspension.

How to be a gold specialist

November 27, 2019 16:19, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



When it comes to jewelry and decoration, gold is always the first choice to buy. Some may think that the collection of gold has become quite out of date after the introduction of the diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, and platinum in the market. However, gold has always been the most sought after metal of all times for its versatile usefulness. Hence, a gold specialist is a very demanding job and requires both knowledge and expertise to excel. Here are some highly recommended and necessary things to know for becoming a gold specialist and to learn how to sell gold.


The first and foremost thing to encounter is to learn how to sell gold. A good gold specialist should know how much a particular gold is worth. Take time in evaluating the process before starting anything. Whenever you are selling, maintain good evaluation as well and invest time on one seller, not a lot at a time.


The purity and weight of gold are important things to look for as well. Gold is a soft metal. It is measured by karats and is an indication of purity. A gold tester called XRF can be used to test them. Test in front of sellers or buyers where they can see results on the screen instantly.


However, having a good knowledge and ability to recognize gold is not enough; for you to sell gold, you need to keep tracks of price hike, currencies, investments a gold specialist should know how to sell or buy gold easily and hazel free. Moreover, you should always be updated with the trading system to make sure you are not deceived by any buyers. You can visit for updated and authentic information. 


To conclude, a gold specialist should be well-prepared and well-mannered before coming to this business because it is not an easy task. The market is saturated, and many try to do illegal dealings; however, the market needs an authentic gold specialist for a fair evaluation.  This will make the customers satisfied and will open a field as a freelance gold evaluation for you. SO, what are you waiting for? Start digging info on gold!


Susan California

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