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January 12, 2009 22:00 , par Inconnu - | No one following this article yet. Reviews Tips on Becoming a Better Storyteller

August 24, 2019 15:00, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



A good story can certainly hold the attention of your listeners, inspire them, move them emotionally, and create a lasting impression. However, it also matters how you tell your story. According to Reviews, learning the art of storytelling is extremely important as it will help you to become much more persuasive. Good storytellers are not only charming but can also act as authority figures and gain the respect of their peers.


Not everybody is a born storyteller. Many of us have to learn the art. However, with the right knowledge and some practice, you can become an awesome storyteller in no time.


Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips you can follow to become a better storyteller -


  1. Start with a hook - Don’t start a story by including useless background information. Always start with a hook, an engaging foreshadowing that grabs the attention of the listeners and keeps them interested until the conclusion of the story.


Of course, you do need to inform them about the most relevant details but keep it short so that you don’t lose their attention.


  1. Start with the end in mind - Don’t ever start a story without the end in mind. You need to be sure about the message that you are trying to convey. Everything else is just filler and dressing. Once you know the main point of the story, you can construct the narrative of the story in a better.


If you make your story up as you go, you will only ramble on and your listens will detect it in your voice and attitude. They will think you are insincere and lose interest.


  1. Modulate your voice - Don’t make the mistake of rushing through your story. In order to add drama and suspense, you need to vary the speed of your speech and modulate the intensity of your voice. Speak louder during the parts where there is action and slow down when you want to add suspense. Your listeners will love you for it.


  1. Don’t just tell, involve them - Don’t just speak with your words, paint a picture in the minds of your audience. Ask your listeners to imagine the situation, add dialogues to make the story more real, insert humor to add fun and get their feedback, in the end, to know what they think. When you involve your listeners into your storytelling adventure, they have more fun and you become more engaging. Just be sure not to poke fun at anyone as it can ruin the mood.



According to Reviews, you need to practice a lot in order to become a good storyteller. Just knowing how to tell a good story won’t do you any good. Practice with your friends and family members until you get better to speak at a conference or radio show. The best storytellers can enthrall you and give you a break from reality. Whether you want to be a marketer, a teacher, an influencer or a coach, you need to know you to motivate your listeners and inspire confidence in themselves. The way to do it is through the art of storytelling.

Why choose a Ibiza villa rather than a hotel?

August 16, 2019 14:48, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Taking a break for vacationing means you do not have to live your life in an ordered way; it is time to let yourself loose and do whatever you feel like. Unfortunately, many of us choose hotels where we have to strictly follow some rules and regulations.


What’s the fun in that? If you do not want there is be a particular timetable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, do what you feel like without being told which rules or policies of the hotel you have to follow, then there is a solution for you which is cheaper than hotels even. VILLAS, yes you heard right. There are many luxury Inmobiliaria en Ibiza available for rent. These properties may seem expensive but they are not. Instead, they can be very relaxing and comforting options for your corporate meetings or even family outings.


The villas will give you privacy which a hotel might fail. You can get in any time you want and have breakfast at any preferable time and anything you like. The staff and chef will be there to serve your needs. The staff will be there to cater to your needs, not thousands like in large commercial hotels but you will find comfort. You can wear anything to have your breakfast since there will be only your group. Kids will love this holiday because they can roam around in the green surroundings and play fun outdoor games which they otherwise miss out on in the cities. You can also have your BBQ party there too!


If you think your group is not big enough for a huge villa then some villas also offer rental to more than a group, even though it's sharing you do will make new friends over the summer. The fun of having another family with you and bond with them is an experience surreal both for the kids and parents. Moreover, what’s the harm in trying out something new?

Ibiza is an island Mediterranean which is a great holiday destination for both family and couples. Luxury villas in Ibiza are not that expensive and are considered to be one of the top booking destinations for many during the holiday season.


Furthermore, the starting price for the luxury Inmobiliaria en Ibiza is as low as 200 euros per night. This will be an experience you cannot miss so rent your villas for a vacation before they run out.


How to Build a Dormer Loft Conversion

August 15, 2019 14:49, par Susan California


If you have a loft in your property that can be converted into a great space for something useful, you should definitely work on it. People nowadays look forward to more rooms and all of them are needed for different purposes. Therefore, a loft conversion is a wise idea to implement in your property. For example, the dormer can be a brilliant space to convert. And this article is going to give you some ideas on things to project during building a dormer loft conversion.


Make a Valid Plan: You must know your worth, your purpose, and the planning before starting the procedure. Therefore, you should know what you want. You may want an extra bedroom space or an extra bathroom or a playroom. So, you have to have it allowed from the Development Rights submitting your design for the dormer loft conversion. After all these things, you should move forward to meet the next step.


The Minimum Height: You must measure the minimum height of the internal loft. You should have at least 2.3 meters height of the ceiling to make the conversion. So, start measuring the height using a measuring tape. You can then easily determine whether you can put the desired design for the conversion.


Draw the Right Design: This is pretty tough to design the dormer loft conversion setting. It is recommended to hire the right architects or designers along with builders in the first place. You can have your own design but still keeping pace with the measurement and other things are necessary during making the design. Consider hiring the right service for loft conversion installations Walsall.


What about the Cost? You need to know about the total cost of doing a dormer loft conversion. There are both pricey and cheaper conversion rate coming from different services. You should choose the right company and remember, quality is higher than your estimated budget. It is very important to choose the quality products and service while installing the dormer loft conversion.


Get Expert Advice: Above all, you should get expert advice to ensure the right kind of loft conversion. Professionals or experts have the sense or knowledge to make the best out of your dormer loft. You can either get them from different companies or can have ideas from those who have experiences of having a conversion already.


Moreover, follow these few tricks while building a dormer loft conversion.  

What Are The Top Five Reasons To Hire Immigration Solicitors?

August 7, 2019 9:15, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Immigration solicitors are those who help to get the visa in less time. Nowadays, it is becoming a trend to hire an attorney for the approval of the file. It is because there are a lot of benefits of hiring them as they can handle everything with ease.

It does not matter what type of case it is, as these are specially trained for the work. We have covered all the aspects to know about the reasons to go for the immigration lawyers. Let us discuss them below.

1. Right knowledge

You will never know about the process of the administrative form, particulars, and essential documents. It is because we never tackle these cases regularly, but for them, it is a piece of cake. They have the proper information regarding every document and how much the time it will take for approval.

2. Helps in tracking the request

When all the documents are submitted by you, then it is time to follow them. With the help of the solicitors, it becomes a lot easier to do this task. It also helps to make sure that you don’t miss any necessary deadlines. Moreover, there is an option to know about the responses on the request.

3. Understands the law

The nationality and immigration act is vast, and it is not possible for the common person to learn each one of them. It is best to leave this task to the immigration lawyers, and they have the capability to understand each term related to the migrants and some other things.

4. Provides continuity

When you hire a professional attorney, then in all the procedure you are being represented. The lawyer makes sure that he/she knows everything about the case, including personal details, or any incidents. It helps them to run the process with continuity. It is excellent to hire immigration solicitors firm in East Ham to short the time for getting approval.

5. Helps with the process of appealing

In some cases, the file gets rejected, and it is essential to send the document back to the authority for the permit. With the help of the immigration lawyer, it becomes easy, and they help you to appeal for the rejection.

To conclude, these all are the top reasons to consider hiring immigration solicitors. It is necessary to find the best one so that you don’t have to face any problem.

Mark Roemer Looks at How to Find the Best Daycare

August 6, 2019 6:07, par Susan California



The thought of leaving your baby in the care of somebody else can be unnerving. However, for many working women there is no other choice. So, if you are one of those people, you must do your best to make sure that your child is in good hands. Our guest, Mark Roemer believes that the daycare system in the country can be quite trustworthy and safe. You just must find the right one for your child.


The Ways

Here are some tips you can follow to find the best daycare -


  1. Identify your needs - Different people have different needs. So, a daycare center which is good for your friend may not be the perfect choice for you. Thus, before you select a daycare center, you must identify your needs.


Do you want a daycare center or are you comfortable with a home daycare? Are you looking for a daycare which is closer to your house or office? What qualifications should the employees have? What recognition should the center have? How much is the cost? These are just a few things that you may ask yourself.


  1. Ask for recommendations - If you don't want to have the time to do the proper research, you can ask for recommendations from your friends or family members. You may also ask for recommendations from your colleagues who are also mothers. Make sure to let them know what your priorities are so that they can point you in the right direction.


  1. Research properly - The best way to find a good daycare center is to research yourself. For starters, shortlist the daycare centers which are accredited by the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC) or the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


The next step is to shortlist the centers which have a safe and healthy environment, an experienced staff, qualified teachers, and which offer constant supervision. While you are at it, look into their employee screening process to achieve peace of mind.


  1. Personally visit the daycare center - The last step is to visit the shortlisted centers personally. Many times, you may find a daycare center which matches your needs perfectly on paper but proves to be the exact opposite when you visit the place in person. For example, their website may claim they have a clean environment, but you find that their floors are unclean.


Consider dropping unexpectedly as it will not give them any time to prepare. Interview them thoroughly and if you suspect anything foul, scratch them from your list. Also, be sure to converse with their current clients and ask for their personal feedback instead of believing the references the institution provide themselves.


Visiting them in person will also allow you to see how the staff interact with children, the real safety measures they have in place, and inspect how appropriate they are for your needs.



Mark Roemer believes that a good daycare center can help in the proper development of your child by helping them to socialize at an early age. It can also prove to be a fun environment for your child for early education.


Susan California

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