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Collor and Dilma: the impoverishment of politics in Brazil

20 de Abril de 2016, 14:04 , por Débora Nunes - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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I belong to the generation that built the end of the military dictatorship, which took place in 1984. We campaigned in favor of the amnesty for political prisoners and exiles militants and in favor of direct elections for the president (Diretas Já!). My generation also went to the streets in search for ethics in politics and for the impeachment of the corrupted playboy president of that time, Fernando Collor, who finally resigned in 1992.

For this reason, I couldn´t help from being sadly moved by the scenes I viewed at the television a few days ago, on April 17, 2016. The show that was performed -when the Parliament voted in favor of the impeachment process to President Dilma Roussef- illustrates the politics poverty that we are living in Brazil. Everything is not over for her yet, because the Federal Senate still has to vote for the prosecution to start.

Instead of assisting, like in 1992, to a campaign led by social movements – that had won against the dictatorship – and to honorable people leading the impeachment process in the Parliament, I saw the cynically ill face of Eduardo Cunha, the portrait of a Mafioso politician presiding the court. Instead of hearing deputies´ moving speaks, honoring their lives dedicated to the country, I heard angry and/or fascist’s assumptions, side by side with childish declarations like “kisses to daddy and mom who are watching me”. Those deputies, who were authentically thinking that they were defending the country against corruption, may have felt embarrassed in company of such people.

Instead of seeing, like in 1984 and 1992, a united population in defense of its country, enthusiastic with regards to the ongoing democratic progress, I saw part of the Brazilian society cruelly divided, manipulated by political parties and by media that impose their one-sided point of view, instead of providing information. This day will be unforgettable because the degradation of the democratic practice became evident, transformed in a spectacle with no respect to the Constitution.

Everybody knows that the prosecution doesn’t bring any charges against President Roussef for corruption, but only for budgetary mismanagement of the federal budget, which has already been practiced by others presidents. But almost no deputy cited this issue in his/her vote, as if the trial was another. Indeed, it was another, which makes this vote unconstitutional.

The cure could be worse than the disease. If the impeachment goes on and we have the misfortune of getting vice president Temer and the corrupted PMDB ruling the country, things can get worse in terms of political unsustainability. The Supreme Court may also revoke Temer and then the president would be Eduardo Cunha (argh!). If then we have luck and the House impeaches Cunha, the position will be for Renan Calheiros (who is also persecuted for corruption)! And if the Senate also impeaches Calheiros, Gilmar Mendes would in turn replace him. Mendes is the one who defended Collor in 1992, he is the judge of hate, not the one of temperance! We have hideous prospects ahead. Only one alternative remains to be wished: stay Dilma, stay! The PT and her government seriously screwed up, associated with bad people and misbehaved, but her biography is a thousand times more decent than these gentlemen´s ones.

How to find hope in the midst of so much sadness? Exactly in the fact that party politics are so degraded that civil society is in a process of inventing, to create new political models. In Brazil, and in the world, horizontal models are being born. They provide social control at all stages of political processes, they separate political and economic power, they keep careerism apart, have great local roots, favor interpersonal trust as well as collective responsibility. Innovations always begin in an invisible way. The Brazilian population wishes ethical politics - and this demand is from the entire, united, society - and does not want the same anymore. It should evolve in search of a deep political reform.

The hope also comes from the fact that the millions of people who built the Brazilian democracy are vigilant. Many of them evolved in their political practices for more co-responsibility and want to see this evolution in Brazil. We have already made profound changes in the country and we will continue to do so, this time it will be with our children´s, the new generation, support. These, who share horizontal networks and need not to lie at home, do not tolerate the policy that is going on and require consistency between what is said and what is done. The future is theirs and we will help them build it, without allowing any setback.


Articulações internacionais, Política

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