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Organ transplant and immunosuppressant drugs

30 de Agosto de 2022, 2:45, por Devendra Singh - 0sem comentários ainda

Organ transplantation is perhaps of the best mediation throughout the entire existence of medication. It is proceeded as a piece of treatment to recover the elements of the organ. It is a medical procedure performed on two people: a contributor and a beneficiary. Organ transplantation is a strategy that includes the expulsion of a sound organ from the benefactor and putting it in a beneficiary's body whose organ has fizzled. Transplantation is expected in individuals whose organ has fizzled or works ineffectively. Organ transplantation can assist the patient with making due for quite a while. There are a few organ transplantations, and the generally performed transplantations incorporate organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, cornea, bone marrow, and so forth.

Organ disappointment happens because of ongoing ailment, hereditary issues, and way of life conditions. It has been accounted for that at least 20 patients pass on each day because of the absence of organ givers. Organ transplantation builds the personal satisfaction of the patient going through the transfer; for instance, patients with renal disappointment are exposed to dialysis, which is an excruciating method. Renal transplantation of such an individual can dispose of the requirement for dialysis.

Nonetheless, organ transplantation is a tedious and complex methodology requiring an ideal match between a giver and a beneficiary. There should be similarity between antibodies, organ size, and blood and tissue kinds of the contributor and beneficiary to forestall organ dismissal. It is additionally founded exclusively on the accessibility of contributors. When the giver gets affirmed, the medical procedure is booked. For organ gift, the giver can either be a living contributor or a departed one.

For the most part, post organ transplantation, the patient should remain in the emergency clinic for quite a while. During this time, the specialist screens the patient for indications of organ dismissal. The signs incorporate fever, expanded pulse, unpredictable pulses, cerebral pains, or loose bowels. Patients who have gone through transplantation medical procedure will be recommended immunosuppressants. Immunosuppressants or hostile to dismissal meds are given to keep away from the gamble of organ dismissal in the patients.

There are different immunosuppressants accessible to forestall organ dismissal. One such medicine is Tacromus 0.5mg Capsule. This medicine contains tacrolimus, which diminishes the resistant framework action to keep it from going after the relocated organ. Illuminate your primary care physician about any prescriptions you are taking prior to beginning treatment with Tacromus 0.5mg infusion. This prescription additionally contains lactose. Thus, illuminate your primary care physician assuming that you are lactose prejudiced prior to starting treatment with this prescription.

A glimpse of glioblastoma multiforme

17 de Agosto de 2022, 8:24, por Devendra Singh - 0sem comentários ainda

Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, is a common, aggressive, and fast-growing brain tumor that begins in the cells called astrocytes that support nerve function. The tumor occurs when these cells start to grow out of control abnormally, and they can invade nearby brain tissues. A few decades back, people with glioblastoma tended to live a few weeks or weeks after diagnosis. With advancements in the medical field, physicians are now trying to prolong the life of patients with glioblastoma.

This cancer can occur in people of any age but is most commonly seen in adults aged 45 to 70. More than women, men are at slightly increased risk. Research has found some factors that increase the risk of developing glioblastoma. Those risk factors include exposure to chemicals – synthetic rubber, petroleum, pesticides, & vinyl chloride, having genetic conditions such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome, neurofibromatosis, and previous radiation therapy to the head.

Since the growing tumor pressures the brain, patients experience symptoms quickly. The symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, seizures, speech problems, memory problems, double or blurred vision, headaches, personality changes, muscle weakness, numbness, or tingling sensation. If your physician suspects a brain tumor, they might perform a neurological exam, imaging tests (MRI, PET, & CT), and biopsy to diagnose the glioblastoma.

In a neurological exam, the physician will ask about the symptoms and signs and examine the vision, reflexes, balance, and coordination. Imaging tests will provide information about the size and location of the tumors. The cancer cells will be collected and examined in the laboratory in a biopsy. It will help the health care provider plan treatment and understand the prognosis. Unfortunately, the cure is not possible with glioblastoma as it is aggressive cancer, and about 7 percent of people diagnosed with glioblastoma can live for five years. Treatment available can help minimize the symptoms and improve the quality of life.


We have a medication that is used in treatment of glioblastoma multiforme in combination with radiotherapy. This medication contains the active ingredient Temozolomide which works by following a process known as alkylation. Once administered, this medication gets converted into its active form metabolite 5-(3-methyltriazen-1-yl) imidazole-4-carboxamide (MTIC), which reacts with water to form methyl diazonium ions. The methyl group from the methyl diazonium ions moves into the DNA and break its strands resulting in cell cycle arrest and death. If you have glioblastoma multiforme, then your doctor might prescribe you Temoside 100mg Capsule.

Most types of thyroid cancers are curable with treatment

8 de Agosto de 2022, 5:08, por Devendra Singh - 0sem comentários ainda

Most thyroid cancers respond better to treatment with an excellent cure rate. The thyroid is a gland located in the front of the neck which produces hormones that help control body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Thyroid cancer occurs when the cells in the thyroid gland undergo genetic changes (mutations). Lenvatinib 10mg is the targeted therapy for thyroid cancer. It may be given to treat advanced thyroid cancer when the radioactive iodine treatment does not stop the disorder. Lenvima 10mg Capsule is one of the products containing the active substance Lenvatinib. For More Information about thyroid cancer treatment and thyroid cancer Medicine visit

A Brief Walk Through Colon cancer

5 de Agosto de 2022, 3:26, por Devendra Singh - 0sem comentários ainda

Colon cancer occurs in the colon (large intestine). It occurs due to the formation of little noncancerous clusters of cells called polyps. These polyps form inside the colon and eventually develop into cancer. Colon cancer can develop at any age and can affect both men and women.

What are the symptoms of colon cancer? In most cases, the patient may not experience any symptoms in the early stages. However, with the progression of cancer, the symptoms become more visible. Diarrhea, constipation, narrowed and bloody stools, rectal bleeding, anemia (due to internal bleeding), abdominal discomfort and pain, loss of weight, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting are some symptoms of colon cancer. In the metastasis stage (cancer spreading to other parts of the body), the patient might have symptoms like jaundice, swollen hands and feet, blurred vision, and chronic headache.

What causes colon cancer? The researchers are not sure about the exact cause of colon cancer. However, certain risk factors are believed to be associated with the development of colon cancer. Old age, history of colon cancer, hereditary conditions, family history of colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, lack of physical activity, poor dietary choices, smoking and consuming alcohol, and having intestinal inflammation problems like Crohn's disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), or ulcerative colitis are the risk factors that may increase the chances of developing colon cancer in a person.

The risk of developing colon cancer can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle and dietary modifications, regular physical activity, and smoking avoiding and drinking. Early detection of colon cancer is essential for its treatment; hence, periodic screening is important for the early detection and prevention of cancer progression.

There are various options available to treat colon cancer, like surgery (including polypectomy, colectomy, and ostomy), chemotherapy, radiation, targeted drug therapy, and immunotherapy. Supportive care is also provided to patients who have colon cancer to relieve the cancer symptoms. 

Xeloda 500mg Tablet is a chemotherapy drug used to treat colon cancer. This medication contains the active ingredient Capecitabine, which works by producing inhibitory action on the DNA synthesis of cancer cells, in turn stopping their growth. If you have colon cancer, your doctor might prescribe you Xeloda 500mg Tablet depending on your age, cancer location and spread, its stage, and overall health. 

Menopause and the risk of breast cancer

23 de Julho de 2022, 9:27, por Devendra Singh - 0sem comentários ainda

Menopause is defined as an event of aging, that marks the end of the occurrence of the menstrual cycle in women. Menopause is confirmed only when a woman has not gone through her menstrual period for a period of 12 months.  Hence, it denotes the end of female reproductive years and is understood by the term that women lacks the potential to become pregnant after menopause. The ideal age of menopause in women is the around late 40s to early 50s.

While menopause is a natural occurrence in women. In other ways, menopause is stated as the time during which the ovaries and female reproductive organs fail to produce eggs for fertilization. Besides this function ovaries are also involved in the synthesis of hormones.  The entire menstruation process is regulated by the female reproductive hormone namely estrogen and progesterone which are secreted by the ovaries. In women, as a part of natural aging, the functions of the ovaries tend to impair over the period and cause dysregulation in the levels of these female hormones.  

Estrogen is the hormone that plays a major role in fat metabolism in women by controlling blood cholesterol levels. After menopause, due to the impairment of the ovaries to make estrogen, only the fat tissues begin to produce estrogen. Hence, women who are overweight can develop elevated levels of estrogen. A few studies state that women being overweight or obese are at greater risk of getting breast cancer due to high levels of reproductive hormones involved in tumor growth.

Besides causing cancer, obesity after menopause can cause a spike in insulin production related to increasing the risk of many other cancers. It has been proclaimed that women being obese before menopause are at risk of developing triple-negative breast cancer whereas women gaining weight post menopause are associated with a strong risk of hormone-positive breast cancer. Breast cancer is classified based on the hormone status to decide upon the treatment plan.

The hormone status of breast cancer is identified after performing a biopsy of the tumor. The hormone-positive breast cancer is fast-growing breast cancer that rapidly spreads to the neighboring organs. Hormone-positive breast cancer denotes that the breast cancer cells can either have estrogen or progesterone receptors. The treatment involved in hormone-positive breast cancer involves hormonal therapy that aims to reduce estrogen levels. 

It is found that women with estrogen-positive breast cancer present with a better treatment outlook within a short duration. However, this type of breast cancer can reoccur many years after the treatment. Letrozole is one such drug that is involved in hormonal therapy. It works by blocking the aromatase, an enzyme that plays a role in the overproduction of estrogen. Since the high amounts of the hormone fuel the growth of breast cancer, this drug reduces the high expression of the hormones ad retards the tumor development. 

Femara 2.5mg Tablet is one such product that contains letrozole as the active constituent. It is intended for its use in any stage of breast cancer i.e it can either be used before or after surgery and can be used along with other hormonal therapy agents. Femara 2.5 Tablet also aims to prevent breast cancer recurrence by keeping the estrogen levels under control. Femara 2.5 mg Tabet is advised for only postmenopausal women and it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women as it can harm the baby. Incase, if you are a women of childbearing age, it is better to discuss with your doctor before starting the treatment.

Devendra Singh

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