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The capacity of jewellery

July 14, 2020 14:51, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



For most of us, wearing jewellery is just a ritual of putting on earrings, bracelets, pendants, etc. before going out. We wear jewellery because it makes us look gorgeous and ready to fit into an event. Have we ever asked why people started wearing jewellery in the first place? How did it become a habit?


In ancient times, pharaohs, kings, queens and emperors showcased their jewellery as a symbol of wealth and stature. Everyone had their hearts set on jewels, and they became a method of exhibiting opulence. The ornaments of older times weren't as sophisticated as they are now. Leather, shells, feathers, and berries were the components of ancient jewellery. People believed some stones had healing and therapeutic effects. They thought stones had the magical power of bringing or changing fortune.


While the history of jewellery is extensive and enchanting, our purpose of wearing them is straightforward. Generally, we wear jewellery because it makes us look better. The jewels complement our outfit, make a fashion statement and complete our look. Sometimes jewellery can be satisfying. The tinkle of bangles is soothing to the ears, and the sparkle of gemstones is pleasing to the eyes.


Sometimes jewellery owns a hereditary significance. Families pass on pieces of jewellery through generations. It forms an invisible string between ages.


Jewellery connects people to different memories. If you ask a woman which piece is most precious to them, most will mention their engagement or wedding ring. A ring is an emblem of the commitment they made. It reminds them of all the memories they made with their partners. A ring can make you feel optimistic so that you can believe to overcome hardships when you are united.


Jewellery has the power to evoke emotion, bring back memories of special events, people and vibes. They can convey our personality and taste through their colours and style.

How to Attract Customers in a Pawn Shop

July 10, 2020 16:24, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



With the increasing demand for pawnshops, people are getting into the pawnshop business more than ever. A lot of people buy, pawn, and sell products in pawn shop as it has some advantages. You’ll see multiple shops in almost every area in your city but the fact is not all of them are successful as clients these days compare a lot while pawning or selling items at pawn shops. Also, people who buy from these shops don’t easily get convinced to pick used products. Now, the question arises what attracts customers? 


Pawn shops are one kind of loan provider in a disguise of physical shops. You can take a loan by pawning an item, and later pay the loan with interest and take back your product, or you can sell products in pawn shop and get money instantly. As there are lots of pawn shops around us you need to make sure your one is the best to get customers. To get attraction any business needs good promotion. So, use online platforms for good promotion. You can keep a newsletter as well so that customers can sign up to the shop's e-mail and get buy and sell updates.


A customer review is another strategy to let people know about your shop. Offer your clients to review the products or services, and put those on newsletter or website. Check the quality of the products you buy from clients as you will have to sell them again. Keep items people are interested to buy even if they are used. Build customer relationships by providing satisfactory customer service and good quality products at a reasonable price; avoid overpricing or else you might lose customers. 


Also, keep an eye on your competitors, try to understand their strategies, and do better. Hold special events sometimes like a huge sale or a party to draw attention. Lastly, don’t forget to post about your pawn shop business on social and marketing sites!


How is engagement ring different from wedding ring

July 5, 2020 17:06, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Do you know that an engagement ring and a wedding ring are not the same? Yes, both of the rings have their features. People often confuse engagement ring with a wedding ring. Both rings play a vital role. Marital rings are the sign of devotion and agreement between two parties and a sign that they are married. There are a lot of differences between these two rings.


An engagement ring is given to the brides or grooms when they both agree for marriage. It’s mainly a part of the proposal. So, when someone admits their love for another person, and they agree to accommodate each other for the rest of their lives, that is the time to give an engagement ring. On the other hand, a wedding ring is given during the wedding ceremony when the brides and grooms exchange their vows for each other.


Generally, an engagement ring has a wide stone in the center and may or may not surrounds itself with other smaller stones. While the ring for a wedding is plain metal. Sometimes it can have diamonds or gemstones on it. The engagement ring is always a bit fancier than the ring for the wedding. However, the engagement ring is normally worn in the fourth finger of the left hand, and when married, the ring of the wedding should go first as it stays closer to your heart but both on the same finger.


The total carat of an engagement ring is always more than that of a wedding one. The ring for a wedding might have gemstones or diamonds on it, but it doesn’t cost more than an engagement ring. Engagement rings typically cost more because they have large diamonds and also includes other details like pave. On the contrary, the wedding one is naturally a normal ring.


Both the rings are important for a marriage. Both of them have their features and stand for different purposes.


Is scrapping your old gold jewelry for new designs worth it?

July 2, 2020 14:20, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Are you wondering to reuse your old gold jewelry by remodeling it? Do you think it’ll be a good idea to change your original gold into something new? It might be old, but recycling gold might not be a good decision. Gold scrap means to recycle old jewelry by melting it and make it something new. No matter how outdated your gold jewelry may become, you should not go for the process. There are many reasons why you should not do the scrapping.


If your gold jewelry is less than 24K, then it is not 100% gold. Generally, 14K or 18K gold jewelry is mixed with 25% of other metals. You don't know what other metals are there until you test it scientifically. Every metal has a different melting point; the result will be always unpredictable. Alloys don’t work well while being recycled. You’ll expect something but get something else. Hence, if you try to melt it for a new design you’ll probably end up worsening the quality. Moreover, by recycling the old gold you are eliminating the originality. It’s improbable to get back to the origin. There’s no way out. It highly affects the selling price of gold.


Normal recycle can waste a lot of gold. Gold scrap will turn your gold into a different thing. After recycling if you ever want to sell it, you won't get the exact price. Recycled jewelry is not worth the price of an original one as it completely drops the standard. Moreover, doing single piece casting causes discoloration and cracking. You might end up getting disastrous outcomes and ruin your old design.


You might not like the design and want to scrape gold . However, you should weigh the pros and cons of scrapping your old design for a new piece. Scrapping won't give you the same amount as the original one. A good alternative would be to instead buy a new one after selling it at a good price.

Do’s and Don’ts of Planning a Wedding Yourself

June 22, 2020 16:31, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Planning a wedding is fun and exciting in doubt; however, it is also a work of uncountable responsibilities, and management is the key. It may sound simple, but in reality, if you are going to plan a wedding by yourself, you better tighten your seatbelt because the wedding planning process needs a lot of attention, and is very tiring. From the wedding ring to food, everything needs extra care. To make any wedding flawless, there are some dos and don'ts you just can't compromise with. Keep reading to know what you must do and what to avoid!


Before you start the planning, make a blueprint with the wedding couple, and if possible with the family too. Take the desires and vision of the couple into consideration; also, clear everything about your plan and their budget to avoid mishaps. Do make a list of everything you'll organize, be it a small ring or the venue, checklists are a must as it helps to track the budget as well. Do keep in mind the weather before you book the venue so that rain or heavy fog doesn't ruin the wedding fun. If it's the wedding season, then choose the venue quickly and do taste the food menu by yourself too.


While planning a wedding, make sure to never go out of the budget; not only it saves time but saves the last-minute stress and trauma too. Don’t keep anything for the last moment and double-checking is a must. Don’t let the staff manage the expensive things like the wedding ring or gifts. Another thing to keep in mind is to keep the stage away from the food tables or bar as there is a chance of crowd when guests greet the couple. Before the final day, don't forget to do the final dress fitting of the bride and groom, or else it might be a serious mishap at the last minute.


No matter how perfect your planning is, don’t forget to have an alternate plan as things might go wrong, and you need to be there to tackle. Lastly, do not take the stress and enjoy the little moments!

Susan California

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