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How to Buy Litecoin: A Guide To The Low-cost Way

June 26, 2022 10:03, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



No matter how you look at it, litecoin is a cheaper version of bitcoin, its peer digital currency. At the same time, litecoin is also more accessible than bitcoin because you don’t need to invest in special mining hardware or software to mine litecoins. You can buy them directly from online exchanges, just like you would stocks or any other cryptocurrency. But are you wondering how to buy Litecoin? Read on...


How to Buy Litecoin: Step-by-step guide

Before you can buy Litecoin, you need to find a reputable exchange like Coinbase, Binance, or Bittrex. You'll need to sign up for an account, connect a payment method, and wait for the transaction to go through. Once the transaction is confirmed, you can store your Litecoin in the exchange account or transfer it to a different wallet.


Where to buy Litecoin?

If you’re wondering where to buy Litecoin, you can either buy it directly from an exchange or use a peer-to-peer marketplace. The advantage of using a peer-to-peer marketplace is that you can often buy LTC at a discounted rate. Plus, you can also buy litecoin with cash. Here are some of the best places to buy Litecoin: Coinbase/GDAX - This is the best place to buy Litecoin if you are in the United States or Europe. Binance - This is probably the best exchange in terms of liquidity. So, you can get a good price for your litecoin. Bittrex - Another good exchange for buying litecoin. Litecoin Marketplaces - You can use a peer-to-peer marketplace like Local Litecoins to buy litecoin with cash.


How to buy crypto Australia

If you are in Australia, you can buy litecoin from an exchange like Coinbase or Coinmama. You can also use an Australian exchange like Coinmex if you don’t want to buy litecoin directly from Coinbase. You can also use a peer-to-peer marketplace like CoinLend to buy litecoin with cash. If you want to buy litecoin with AUD, you’ll have to first buy bitcoin with your Australian dollars. Then, you can transfer your bitcoins to an exchange that sells litecoin and exchange it for litecoin.


Final thoughts: Should you buy Litecoin?

You can use litecoin to buy anything that is offered in bitcoin.

How to declutter your dresser and organization tips

June 20, 2022 16:10, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



It's easy to forget about your dresser in the rush of daily life, but they can collect an unimaginable amount of dust and bacteria that you want to get rid of. The last thing you want is the dirt on things you use frequently as it can not only damage them, it can even be harmful to your skin. So next time you get some time off, use these tips to de-clutter as well as go through old things you don’t use any longer.


Old belongings


You probably have some old perfume bottles or broken pieces of jewellery that are only taking up space and collecting dust. It’s best to throw these out to prevent taking up space for other important things. If you have older precious jewellery that are family heirlooms or presents that just do not suit your taste, but you don’t feel like throwing them out, consider getting a loan against your jewellery items. Contact your local jewelers or pawnbrokers to get an estimate of what you should expect on a loan against gold or diamonds. Lastly, consider giving away any pieces that are in good condition to charity or family members.


Clean drawers and wipe down surfaces


You might want to do a deep cleaning session if it has been long since you wiped your drawers. Take out all your belongings and replace any drawer liners. Take wet wipes and wipe down the sides or use a mini vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust. Clean plastic organizers such as brush holders and jewellery boxes.


Use organizers


Keeping everything at close access and categorized will definitely help you clean afterward as well as prevent a mess. Purchase good, sturdy organizers that will help you store your items and help you find them easily when you need them. Display cases are great for jewelllery since you can easily find what you need without rummaging through your drawers. Use covered acrylic stands for brushes to provide dust protection.


Apart from keeping your allergies and skin from flaring up, a clean dresser will make adorning you all the more fun.

Simple styling tips for summer that will brighten up any outfit

June 20, 2022 14:52, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire



With summer just around the corner, it’s time for countless brunch outings in the warm weather and catching up with friends. You want to look your best for the season, so we are here with a handful of simple tips to enhance your attire. Whether you are shopping for summer, or want to work with what you already own, we’re sure something will be helpful!


Bright colours


Summer demands a colourful palette, whether in great saturation or in playful pastels. For afternoons out, a soft orange or yellow dress is classic and brightens up your appearance immediately. Be sure to not pair too many contrasting, bold colours as it may look overdone for a cohesive look, pair vivid and pastels of the same colours.


Minimal jewelry


You want to look fresh and minimalistic in this weather, so dainty gold or silver jewelry are your best friends. If you are looking to buy some diamonds this summer, you’re probably thinking of lab diamonds vs real diamonds. In this case, you can get great man made diamonds Perth for a cheaper price but no less sparkly!


Fresh scents


Pick out the fresh floral or fruity scents from your collection this season to not only look but also feel energized. You can find tons of options for summer that will match your personality. You can even go for soapy or minty scents to add a stronger touch of freshness




Go for the classic loose waves that have a laidback effect. Ponytails, low buns and even intricate braids are all beautiful ways to go for this weather, doubling as a measure to battle the heat!




If you prefer to keep your clothes and hair fairly simple and monochrome, but still feel like adding some colour, you can get a bright manicure to feel up to the spirit! Some bright pinks and blues or iridescent nails are trendy and fun so you won’t feel like you’re missing out.


Last but not least, have fun and get creative with your style! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new signature appearance!

Small renovations you can add to your patio to make it look brand new

June 10, 2022 15:11, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Summer is here and this definitely calls for some great get-togethers and outdoor parties. Now is the perfect time to renovate or revamp your patio to make it a cozy place for some new memories! The thought of starting from scratch or building on an old setting may be intimidating but we’re here to help, here are some ideas you can use to bring some change!




Try adding an elevated portion to your backyard for a sitting area or to separate it from any grass or plants you don’t want to accidentally destroy. You can easily do this yourself by purchasing wooden planks and some tools. You can even get your hands on some pallets in Chichester, and use those for a rustic-looking deck or platform.


Seasonal plants


Since summer is here, nothing will complement your patio like a few new additions of seasonal plants with their vivid greens and bright flowers. Selections such as a Caladium plant to add a pop of colour or Poppy to add some flowers to your view are amazing touches.


Fairy lights


This is a popular decoration that makes any location look brighter and creates a jolly ambiance. They are cheap and easy to set up, just wrap them around any fences or on a pergola and you are good to go. Outdoor dinners or parties are sure to come together with these.


Rugs and throw pillows


Make any sitting area much cozier with a rug that is easy to clean and some throw pillows. If you have a set of sofas on your patio, adding matching throw blankets will certainly make for a great nook for late-night summer conversations!




Set up a pergola to make the area look more cohesive while beating the summer heat. This doubles as a good relaxing corner on rainy summer days so you can enjoy the weather without getting drenched. You can take things a step further and hang lanterns or hanging planters.


You can get as creative as you want with these plans and add your own touches through colour palettes and preferences.

Achieve similar results with these dairy-free options

June 9, 2022 16:19, par Susan California - 0Pas de commentaire


Have you struggled to find the perfect creamer for your morning coffee? Do the fat-free products make your dishes feel bland? Well, we have some excellent news for you! Whether it be lactose intolerance or a diet to cut out some fat, you will be thrilled to know your options are not limited and some of them might just be even better than your regular choices!


Lactose-free milk


You heard it right! This is a fantastic idea for those who are not satisfied with alternatives. If it is lactose that you’re worried about, you should be able to find lactose-free milk from any dairy company Cyprus. It’s basically plain milk that has been treated with lactase, a substance that breaks down the lactose so you can consume it without worries.


For your coffee or drinks


Most of us cannot function without a proper coffee and if you like yours with creamer or milk, you can switch that out for coconut cream or coconut milk. Alternatively, if you prefer your coffee or smoothies to be on the lighter side, additions like almond milk or soy milk are great choices that are rich in flavor!


For your savory dishes


Lots of dishes call for some cream or milk. You can indulge in your favorite pasta or curry by adding coconut cream or pureed tofu. Don’t worry; these do not cut out any flavor! You can add nutritional yeast along with some herbs to replace cheese, add a few drops of lemon and you got yourself the tangy cheesy taste without having to reach for the dairy aisle!


For your desserts


Mousses and puddings can be made using aquafaba, which is the liquid that comes in canned chickpeas. Don’t panic! Your dishes won’t taste like chickpeas and it’s commonly used nowadays! It provides air to your dish and makes it fluffy without the use of whipped cream. You can even use thickened coconut cream which will provide fattiness too. Oat milk and hazelnut milk are also great for delectable desserts like creme caramel or ice creams.


Since you have a good idea of what you can use now, you should be able to switch it up and experiment here and there, without compromising on any flavor!

Susan California

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